Impact Chicago Terry Mazany President & CEO
Impact Chicago Jim Lewis, Ph.D. Senior Program Officer
Impact Chicago Prof. Robert Sampson Harvard University Prof. Wesley Skogan Northwestern University
Historic homicide rate in Chicago
Declining crime rates Violent Crime - per 100,000 residents
Declining violence rates source: City and Suburban Crime Trends in Metropolitan America, The Brookings Institution
Homicide totals source: 2011 Murder Analysis Report, Chicago Police Department
Homicide motives Indoor & Outdoor MurdersMurder Clearances Shootings & Stabbings source: 2011 Murder Analysis Report, Chicago Police Department
Shootings & homicides in Chicago
Homicides – Race/ethnicity of victims Indoor & Outdoor MurdersMurder Clearances Shootings & StabbingsMurder Victims by Race/Ethnicity source: 2011 Murder Analysis Report, Chicago Police Department
Homicide – Indoor or outdoor Indoor v. Outdoor Murders source: 2011 Murder Analysis Report, Chicago Police Department
Homicides – Shootings, stabbings Indoor & Outdoor MurdersMurder Clearances Shootings & Stabbings source: 2011 Murder Analysis Report, Chicago Police Department
Homicide prior arrest - offender Indoor & Outdoor MurdersMurder Victims with Prior Arrest History source: 2011 Murder Analysis Report, Chicago Police Department
Homicides cleared Indoor & Outdoor MurdersMurder Clearances source: 2011 Murder Analysis Report, Chicago Police Department
Criminal justice system in Illinois In 2009, more than 125,000 adults were under a form of correctional supervision —including probation, prison or mandatory supervised release—for a felony conviction in Illinois: almost double the number in Source: Illinois Sentencing Police Advisory Council
Prison system overcrowding Sources: Illinois Dept. of Corrections, John Howard Association
Impact Chicago Prof. Robert Sampson Harvard University Prof. Wesley Skogan Northwestern University
Policing & public safety
Concentration of Violence and Child Well-Being = Murder Rate Source: Sampson, 2012
The Enduring Grip of Disadvantage: Durability of Concentrated Poverty During an Era of Social Transformation, Chicago Community Areas, Source: Sampson 2012
Inequality’s Durable Imprint: Before and after the 2008 Economic Crisis Source: Sampson, 2012 Source: Sampson, 2012
Not Just About Poverty: Remarkably Persistent Violence Profiles During a Sharp Secular Decline in Violence Source: Sampson, 2012
Spatial and macro level processes Individual characteristics and selection processes Community Mediating Rates of structure mechanism well-being Source: Sampson, 2012 Collective Efficacy Theory
Collective Efficacy Predicts Later Homicide Rates (Controlling for time period, concentrated disadvantage, residential stability, population density, friend/kinship ties, legal/moral cynicism, and prior homicide) Source: Sampson, 2012
What is the effect of police strategies?
Cure violence (CeaseFire-Chicago) model If you are listening through your computer Type your question into the Q&A pane The moderator will read all questions and pose them to our panelists If you are listening by phone & wish to ask live Use the “Raise Your Hand” feature on your computer The moderator will unmute your phone, enabling you to ask in person Prof. Wesley Skogan, Northwestern University
Policing strategies Smart Gun Policing interrupt supply deter possession reduce public gun carrying tough responses to gun use reduce demand for guns address conditions that foster gun carrying and use Smart Gang Policing targeting violent groups and high-risk individuals Smart Community Oriented Policing responsive to community concerns and priorities assist in norm building by gaining respect and confidence assist in community mobilization Prof. Wesley Skogan, Northwestern University
Building public confidence & respect Prof. Wesley Skogan, Northwestern University Quality of Service
Assist in community mobilization Prof. Wesley Skogan, Northwestern University
Declining crime rates Violent Crime - per 100,000 residents
How important is trust of the police for reducing crime? photo credit: right, John J. Kim / AP
How do gangs affect the homicide and crime rates?
Would stronger gun control reduce homicides? Indoor & Outdoor MurdersMurder Clearances Shootings & Stabbings source: 2011 Murder Analysis Report, Chicago Police Department
Most shootings happen in low-income neighborhoods
How does poverty contribute to crime rates? photo credit: Flickr member Zol87
Have the changing demographics of Chicago changed crime?
Why did the murder rate rise in 2012? source: 2011 Murder Analysis Report, Chicago Police Department
What works? Patrol strategies Hardened targets - security Hot spot arrests Broken windows Gang interventions Gun control Social/Emotional training photo credit: top, Chronicle/Lance Iversen
Has policing affected homicide levels? source: Chicago Justice Project
Does incarceration reduce crime? Sources: Illinois Dept. of Corrections, John Howard Association
In conversation Prof. Robert Sampson Harvard University Prof. Wesley Skogan Northwestern University Moderator: Jim Lewis, Ph.D. Senior Program Officer
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