GEOG 398: Karst and coastal landscapes of the Dinaric Alps in Croatia Travel through the Dinaric Alps to the Adriatic coast of Croatia with a U of S professor and students to gain first-hand experience of karst landscapes, learn about the processes that shape them, and understand the challenges they pose to human societies. Study Abroad
Sun May 17Zagreb, orientation Mon May 18University of Zagreb: lectures; city tour Tues May 19University of Zagreb: lectures Wed May 20Medvednica Mountain: field trip Thurs May 21Zagreb: free day Fri May 22Plitvice Lakes NP: lectures and field trip Sat May 23Northern Velebit NP: lectures and field trip Sun May 24Gacka/Lika Rivers: field trip Mon May 25Cerovacke caves: field trip Tues May 26University of Zadar: lectures Wed May 27Kornati NP : boat excursion Thurs May 28University of Zadar: wrap-up, final exam ITINERARY
Application deadline: 1 February 2015 Total cost per student estimated at $4000 for: tuition/course fees, return airfare, local transportation, accommodation/meals. Airfare estimated at Air Canada price; other carriers may offer lower fares. Students are eligible to apply for university travel awards. Follows GEOG 340 allowing students to do two consecutive classes in Europe and reduce cost per class. For more info, see: