Missouri’s Core Transfer Library: Collaboration toward a Common Goal Angelette Prichett Research Associate, MDHE Director of Missouri Core Transfer Library COTA Conference January 29, 2014
Core Transfer Library Goals Promote and facilitate transfer Create statewide core transfer library by July 1, 2014 – Public two- and four-year required – At least 25 lower division courses across all institutions Establish polices and procedures to ensure courses accepted in transfer and treated as equivalent to similar courses
Where are We Now? Initial courses for the transfer library approved by the Coordinating Board for Higher Education – Microeconomics, – Macroeconomics, – College Algebra, and – Sociology. MDHE staff also met with independent representatives from Avila, Fontbonne, Lindenwood, Park, Stephens, William Woods, and Central Methodist University to begin developing a plan for inclusion of independent institutions’ courses in the transfer library. In process of writing policy and procedures for the core transfer library
Next set of 16 courses to be approved by the CBHE at February board meeting: – American government – American history I – American history II – Anthropology – Art appreciation – Astronomy – Calculus I – Drawing I – Introduction to statistics – Music appreciation – Oral Communication – Philosophy – Psychology – Public speaking – Western civilization – World religions
Obstacles with Equivalence Credit hour discrepancies between lab and non-lab courses sciences pose issues Sequential course transfer issues (e.g. Foreign Language, Sciences) science and foreign language, if there is a certain sequence, may not accept beginning sequence from other institution Upper-division vs. lower-division course in accounting and business courses, lower division at CC but may be considered upper level at four year, transfer is issue Not all institutions offer all courses, nor do they accept courses from other institutions
Next Steps—Course Equivalence MDHE staff is currently working with institutional registrars to resolve transfer questions for the next set of 16 courses for inclusion in the course library: American Government American History I American History II Anthropology Art Appreciation Astronomy Calculus I Drawing I Introduction to Statistics Music Appreciation Oral Communication Philosophy Psychology Public Speaking Western Civilization World Religions
Next Steps--Policy Create policies and procedures for transfer library – “common currency” – Inclusion of courses Policy address following components: – Participation by independent institutions – Guiding principles – Alignment of current general education policy – Definitions – Procedures for adding courses
How Can You Help? Policy recommendations: – Definitions for accept, transfer, equivalence, course...any other definitions? – Other policy areas to be addressed? What are fundamental guiding principles we need to outline? – What are we forgetting? Course equivalence: – How do we get the final courses to transfer? – What do we do about science and foreign language? – 200 vs 300 level courses (upper vs lower division) Put simply: IS THERE A BETTER WAY?
Next Steps—Website Presentation Currently working on format based upon Indiana’s transfer portal Possible queries – Common course name – Institution – Discipline – Are there others? Notes sections Print function
Angelette Prichett, MSW Research Associate for Academic Affairs P.O. Box 1469 Jefferson City Phone Fax: (573)