Students are desperately craving an opportunity to connect with their friends; not surprisingly, their use of anything that enables socialization while at school is deeply desired. Danah Boyd—University of California-Berkeley (2008)
Speaking and Listening Standards Beginning in 3 rd grade 1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly
Speaking and Listening Standards: Grade 5 detail b. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles c. Pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute the the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others d. Review key ideas expressed and draw conclusions in light of information and knowledge gained from discussions
Writing Standards Beginning in 3 rd grade 6 Use technology to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others
Voice Oral language development Meaningful use of academic vocabulary Teacher modeling Personal connection outside of school
Online service - free and paid models Browser based Online media album Images from computer or internet Audio from microphone, webcam or upload Commenting
Introduce concept or process Reverse instruction Debate Oral language development Formative assessment
Group learning space All levels of understanding supported Mistakes and revisions are OK Transparent learning and growth Record of oral language development Teacher intervention/redirection within space
Gather facts Make connections Ask questions Give opinions Bill Ferriter, Center for Teaching Quality
Is this an image of a Romanesque or Gothic architectural style? Defend your answer by identifying visual evidence in the image.
Comment well connected to selection Comment encourages further conversation Building on prior comments Refuting prior comments Encourage further study of selection Meaningful use of annotation tools (doodles) Michelle Pacansky-Brock, Director of Online and Hybrid Support Center, CSU East Bay
Mearan asked a good question. Is judgment out of our own control? I think that judgment is a natural instinct that occurs whenever we see anything. Whether or not we listen to our judgments is our choice. Do you think it is easier to listen to our judgments or to ignore them?
Begin with group commenting Written draft Use sentence frames Join the conversation Model appropriate responses Revisit comments in class Identify elements of quality comments
Please respond with your ideas at s