Re silience of C ritical I nfrastructure P rotection in E urope (RECIPE) PhD Robert Mikac, RECIPE Project Manager Head of Sector for Civil Protection, Republic of Croatia Kick off meeting Brussels, January 20 th, 2015
Introduction About project RECIPE Objective Actions Expected results Deliverables and deadlines Follow up Open questions Kick off meeting, Brussels, January 20 th, 2015
National Protection and Rescue Directorate, Croatia (Coordinator) University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, Serbia (Beneficiary) Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, Sweden (Beneficiary) University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica, Croatia (Beneficiary) Implementation: Croatia, Serbia, Sweden Duration: 18 months (01/01/2015 – 30/06/2016) Total eligible cost: € (EC financial contribution 75% of total € ) NPRD forms 3 expert teams for implementation of the Project
A deficient or inadequate protection of critical infrastructure may pose a threat to the security, economy and stability of European countries and Europe as a whole. This project aims to turn it into advantage providing opportunities for the exchange of divergent know-hows and best practices. Accordingly, it aims to involve EU Member States with varying levels of progress within CIP area together with a candidate country so that the EU achievements are spread beyond its borders for a strengthened security of all. The project thus engages countries at three different levels of achievement in the field, namely Sweden boasting significant progress and distinctive results in CIP, Croatia who has only just initiated CIP-related efforts and Serbia who is lagging behind and is in need of peer assistance in establishing their own CIP system. Kick off meeting, Brussels, January 20 th, 2015
The project intends to strengthen the resilience of critical infrastructure protection systems both at national and European level by filling the gaps in the management and protection of critical infrastructure caused by the following situations: Scarce and inadequate transfer of knowledge, experiences and best practices among Member States, Lack of support, communication and cooperation between relevant public and private sectors, Lack of levelled quality CIP solutions throughout the EU as assessed per project partner countries, Insufficient and inadequate involvement of academic community and the resulting lack of scientific and research activity in the field of critical infrastructure risk management. Kick off meeting, Brussels, January 20 th, 2015
1) Panel discussions at national levels producing national standpoints on the following topics: Assessment of the current national CIP-related legislation and practices Assessment of vulnerabilities and threats to CIP system; Assessment of applicability of available risk analysis models and tools, Analysis of critical infrastructure interdependencies and identification/review Challenges of setting up procedural strategies aimed at enhanced cooperation and communication between national stakeholders and between relevant stakeholders at international level (ECIs), Study of the future modalities of efficient experience exchange and transfer of knowledge among relevant stakeholders, as well as defining sensitive information exchange mechanisms; 2) Joint workshops, where international stakeholders, on the basis of national standpoints framed at the above panel discussions will exchange their experiences and best practices that will be collected into Instructions/Guidelines on an improved and more efficient CI risk management; create Guidelines based on Feasibility studies assessing best practice implementation applicability per each country;
Kick off meeting, Brussels, January 20 th, ) International conference, integrating all the results of the efforts throughout the project and providing conclusions for the follow-up strategy on CIP in general and on the following topics in particular: Management of public-private partnership in the protection of critical infrastructure; Challenges and mechanisms of sensitive information exchange among the stakeholders in critical infrastructure protection system; Setting preconditions for the development of national CIP Centres; 4) Follow-up strategy, defining guidelines implementation schemes, future cooperation modalities and solutions on any other needs in the CI management system (e.g. training etc.)
Kick off meeting, Brussels, January 20 th, 2015 Facilitated exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices among Member States and beyond, Increased awareness of and knowledge base on disaster risks threatening critical infrastructure and disaster prevention, Enhanced stakeholder communication both at national and international level, Strengthened mutual support and collaboration between all relevant public and private sector critical infrastructure protection partners, Boosted scientific and research activity in the field of critical infrastructure risk management as an outcome of encouraged involvement of academic community in problem solving processes, Guidelines prepared intended to pave the way for the establishment of an optimal risk management system related to CIP in the project partner countries (where missing), Guidelines made available to the EC for further dissemination and use; Increased resilience and level of protection of European CI resulting from improved coordination and cooperation between stakeholders and from the exchange of best practices, System approach assessment methodology for CIP established, taking into consideration cross- sectorial and cross border dimension of critical infrastructures, Defined follow-up strategy on CIP in the relevant countries, Assessed and defined needs for further education and training of public and private sectors in the related area (educational programmes, exchange of experts).
Kick off meeting, Brussels, January 20 th, 2015
01/07/ st Progress report to the Commission on technical and financial aspects of project implementation 01/01/ nd Progress report to the Commission on technical and financial aspects of project implementation 30/08/2015 Final report to the Commission on technical and financial aspects of project implementation 01/04/2015Management bodies established 01/05/2015Project plan with detailed division of the tasks finalized 01/04/2015Questionnaire prepared and adapted to each partner country 01/06/2015Questionnaire evaluation report completed 01/07/2015Panel discussions held 01/09/2015National standpoints report completed 01/11/2015Workshops held 15/11/2015Workshop evaluation reports completed 01/02/2016Feasibility studies performed 01/03/2016Guidelines published 01/03/2016Organizational conference committee formed 01/03/2016Programme conference committee formed 01/05/2016Book of Proceedings published 01/05/2016Conference held 01/06/2016Conference evaluation report prepared 01/06/2016Project follow-up strategy determined 01/05/2015Project web page launched 01/04/2015Press release announcing the project launch 30/06/2016Press release announcing the end of the project 01/01/2016Free mobile phone application Kick off meeting, Brussels, January 20 th, 2015
Kick Off Meeting with EU Commission Brussels - 20 th January 2015 Project Start Meeting Zagreb - February 2015 Panel discussions (2 in Croatia and 2 in Serbia) Zagreb - April June 2015 Belgrade - March May 2015 Workshops (1 in Croatia and 1 in Serbia) Zagreb - October 2015 Belgrade - September 2015 Conference (Split, Croatia) Split - April 2016
Kick off meeting, Brussels, January 20 th, 2015 Continuation after the project ends: Implementation of the Guidelines recommending best practices in respective CIP systems Maintenance of the cooperation and links between national and international stakeholders established through the project Education and training of public and private stakeholders in the related area Establishment of national CIP Centres aimed at optimization of CI risk management Transfer and dissemination of best practices and lessons learnt in the project to other Member States and beyond Organization of workshops, conferences and similar on the topic of CIP Free mobile phone application use will continue after the project ends. promotion of project results exchange of CIP stakeholder contacts (any interested stakeholders) promotion of future CIP related events exchange of information
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! PhD Robert Mikac RECIPE Project Manager National Protection and Rescue Directorate Republic of Croatia Head of Sector of civil protection Commander of civil protection of the Republic od Croatia Kick off meeting, Brussels, January 20 th, 2015