Lets Race! You are going to race the horses numbers 1 to 12 by throwing dice. Throw the dice. Add the two scores together. The horse which is that number moves forward a square. Before you start you may want to pick 6 horses each and see if any of yours win.
Class results Horse NumberNumber of Wins in the class
P(1) = P(2) = P(3) = P(4) = P(5) = P(6) = P(7) = P(8) = P(9) = P(10) = P(11) = P(12) = 0 Sample Space Diagram
What would a sample space diagram look like for throwing a dice and a coin together? HT 11H1T 22H2T 33H3T 44H4T 55H5T 66H6T P(1,T) = P(even,T) = P(odd,H) =
Look at the following situations. Which ones would you draw a sample space for and which ones would you not? 1.What is the probability of picking an Ace from a pack of cards? 2.A coin is flipped and a 10 sided dice thrown at the same time. What is the probability of a head and a 9? 3.5 blue buttons and 5 black buttons are in a bag. Tom needs a black button, what is the probability that he picks the right colour? 4.There are two bags. One with Mars and Twix in, the other with Chomps and Fudge Bars in. One bars is picked from each bag. What is the probability of a Mars and a Chomp being chosen? 5.Two friends are playing tennis at the same time against different people. What is the probability that they both win? If you have finished try and answer some of the questions.