Taking the Bite out of the Common Core March 14, 1-3 pm
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Quick Quiz Please complete the quick quiz on the Common Core Standards. No discussion yet! By the end you should be confident of all of the answers.
Learning Targets: I can identify the big shifts in the areas of writing, reading, speaking and listening. I can understand what standards-based instruction should look like in my English and content area classrooms. I can learn what districts are doing to implement the new common core standards.
Timeline and Structure When: These are to be implemented in The MCA III will be based on these this year, in What: They are grade level progressions based on College and Career Ready Anchor Standards.
The Breakdown 34 Standards 10 Reading Standards ( pg. 49 Anchor Standards) Literature Informational text 10 Writing Standards (pg.58 Anchor Standards) 8 Speaking, Viewing, Listening/Media Literacy Standards (pg. 66 Anchor Standards) 6 Language Standards (pg. 72 Anchor Standards) Conventions, vocabulary, usage, language acquisition
3 Main Strands Standards for ELA and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects ( k-5) Standards for ELA ( 6-12) Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects (6-12)
Text Complexity Grade Bands Text Complexity Grade Band Old Lexile RangesLexile Ranges Aligned to Common Core Standards K-1n/a CCR
Pair Share What are the implications for these new lexile bands? With this in mind, what should we be seeing in all of our classrooms?
Overview Video Clip As you view the following video introduction, consider these questions: What will be most challenging for your school in implementation of these new standards? What do you feel your school is already doing well?
Video Clip ommon-core-standards-ela
Table Texting Using the table texting form, respond to this question. Please write neatly since someone will be reading this and responding. What will be most challenging for your school?
Table Texting Pass your paper to someone at your table. When you have a new paper, respond to what they wrote. You may use the following prompts: I agree with__________ because I disagree with ____________ because I would add that __________ What you wrote makes me wonder_________
Table Texting Pass your paper again. Be sure someone new is reading it. When you have a new paper, respond to what they wrote. You may use the following prompts: I agree with__________ because I disagree with ____________ because I would add that __________ What you wrote makes me wonder_________
Quick Review Take two minutes to review what people wrote in response to your comments.
SUPU Now, stand up and pair up with someone who is not from your table. Discuss the main points of your table texting discussion.
Group Huddle At your table, discuss how you could use table texting at a faculty meeting or a training with your staff. How might your teachers use this in the classroom?
The Big Shifts Please read the following pieces regarding the shifts that these new standards represent. Take notes on your graphic organizer. Be prepared to share your thoughts with someone else.
Learning Line Up If you work primarily with grades 6, 7 and 8 line up with your back to the front wall. If you work primarily with grades 9, 10 and 11 move to face one of your middle level colleagues. If you work with both, choose which line to stand in. Discuss your thoughts about the first bullet.
Learning Line Up High school principals move two to your right. Now, discuss the second and third bullets.
Learning Line Up Middle school principals move one to your left. Discuss the last two bullets.
Why did we use a note taking format? Note taking strategies Effect SizePercentile Gain Marzano, Gaddy and Dean 1.0 would equal 1 year’s growth
Why did we do Learning Line Up? Breaking down concepts to be learned and discussing them periodically yields large academic gains. There is a 35% increase in comprehension of material when chunking and discussion happen for all students. (Crismore, 1985)
Writing Standards
What did you write today? Take one minute and jot down all the things you wrote today. Compare your list with your partner. Note how much was informational as opposed to narrative writing.
Turn and Talk What types of writing should students be doing in their classes?
Three Types of Writing Argument NarrativeInformational
What questions should I be asking in my classrooms? Take a look at the handout I created for you called Standards and Objectives. How might you use this during your coaching visits?
How can I help my content area teachers? Be sure they know they have literacy standards to implement. Provide time for them to embed these standards into their curriculum. Provide training in content area reading strategies. Track the amount of time students are reading and writing in all of your classes when you visit. ( Homework time does not count)
How can I help my content area teachers?
Group Sharing and Problem- Solving On the recipe card, jot down a question or scenario that you’d like the group to discuss.
Number Off Number yourself at your table. I’ll give you five minutes to discuss the scenario and then I’ll roll the dice. If your number is rolled you will share the best ideas from your table discussion.
Standards: Where to start I have really not done much with the new English/Language standards or content area standards. I need advice on where to begin. What should be done first?
Virtual Dice Roll _ftp/client_ftp/ks1/maths/dice/
Scenario #2
Virtual Dice Roll _ftp/client_ftp/ks1/maths/dice/
Scenario #3
Virtual Dice Roll _ftp/client_ftp/ks1/maths/dice/
Action Planning Complete the action planning document to help you remember what you plan to do when you get back to school.
Revisit the Quiz Quick Quiz on the Common Core.docx
Learning Targets: I can identify the big shifts in the areas of writing, reading, speaking and listening. I can understand what standards-based instruction should look like in my English and content area classrooms. I can learn what districts are doing to implement the new common core standards.