1 Importance of CM/DM in the Current and Emerging DoD Product Support Environment Dr. Marilyn T. Gaska, Chief Engineer and Michael “Bo” Gourley Logistics and Sustainment Corporate Engineering and Technology 3 March, 2014
2 Agenda Performance Based Outcome Drivers CM/DM Enablers Across the Life Cycle CM/DM and the Digital Tapestry Enablers for Capability Management
3 Performance Based Outcomes Increased availability Reduced down time Improved affordability / cost management
4 History Shared data and corporate history as 1990s enabler - DARPA Initiative in Concurrent Engineering (DICE) Integrated toolset within engineering CAD/CAM systems and interfaces to manufacturing and logistics
5 DICE Star Sharing information Collocating people and programs Integrating tools and services with frameworks Coordinating the team Capturing corporate history
6 Current Environment DoD Integrated Product Support (IPS) elements Importance of Chief Information Officer Fleet management and agile development complexities Initial applications for sustainment driving policy
INTEGRATED PRODUCT SUPPORT Design Interface Product Support Management Manpower & Personnel Supply Support Sustaining Engineering Training & Training Support Packaging, Handling, Storage &Transportation (PHS&T) Facilities & Infrastructure Computer Resources Technical Data M aintenance Planning & Management Support Equipment Product Support is enabled by a package of 12 Integrated Product Support (IPS) elements designed to deliver system readiness and availability while optimizing system life cycle cost. DoD IPS ElementsElements
Chief Information Officer Scope DoD CIO Teri Takai, "Information is our greatest strategic asset"DoD CIO Data management part of business architecture System / data security / cyber focus Cloud as an enabler for data sharing Big data / analytics focus Automatic Identification Technology (AIT) and Internet of Things Internet of Things
Sustainment Driving Policy OSD Product Support Assessment (PSA) & Proof Point Study confirmed PBL value DoDI implements Better Buying Power 2.0 (“increase effective use of PBL”) Focus on affordability across the life cycle
The New Reality – Affordability and Resilience Systems 2020 Vision Adversary can use commercial technologies and new tactics to rapidly alter the threat to US forces DoD engineering, and business processes not structured for adaptability New research, tools, pilot efforts needed to determine best methods for building adaptable defense systems Need faster delivery of adaptable systems that are trusted, assured, reliable and interoperable Systems 2020 Vision Adversary can use commercial technologies and new tactics to rapidly alter the threat to US forces DoD engineering, and business processes not structured for adaptability New research, tools, pilot efforts needed to determine best methods for building adaptable defense systems Need faster delivery of adaptable systems that are trusted, assured, reliable and interoperable Existing Gaps and Critical Needs Gap: Lack of a Conceptual Design Environment Gap: Lack of tools to integrate system modeling capabilities across domains Gap: Lack of open, virtual and realistic environment for validation and producibility analysis Need an integrated (i.e. cross discipline) framework for concept, design and analysis of systems based on standards, open architecture and existing COTS tool sets Existing Gaps and Critical Needs Gap: Lack of a Conceptual Design Environment Gap: Lack of tools to integrate system modeling capabilities across domains Gap: Lack of open, virtual and realistic environment for validation and producibility analysis Need an integrated (i.e. cross discipline) framework for concept, design and analysis of systems based on standards, open architecture and existing COTS tool sets © Copyright 2011 Lockheed Martin Corporation Chris Oster, “The Lockheed Martin Digital Tapestry”, 2012 INCOSE Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Workshop, Jacksonville, Florida.2012 INCOSE Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Workshop, Jacksonville, Florida.
11 Emerging Environment Revisiting 2013 Keynote Next Gen 3D printing and additive manufacturing Digital tapestry and Model Based Enterprise / Engineering (MBE) NIST efforts in revitalizing manufacturing Importance of standards / data quality / information management / DM/CM leadership
DoD Initiatives (Kratz, 2013) New national security priorities Joint Force 2020 Lifecycle Management Performance Based Logistics (PBL) Better Buying Power 2.0 All these initiatives rely upon effective enterprise-wide information management LS
13 3D Printing and 3D Simuation 3D printing and 3D pathfinding simulation technology Improve affordability and operational excellence throughout the entire lifecycle LM Space Systems Company examples
14 LM, 2014 Creating an Integrated Model Based Enterprise The Digital Tapestry Integrated Data Management for Digital Tapestry
15 Digital Tapestry Transformation “Digital tapestry” as seamless digital environment Next-generation digital manufacturing technologies can extend throughout the lifecycle Driven by integrated Model Based Engineering (MBE) tool set that keeps the digital data intact from conceptualization to realization Requires underlying CM/DM
16 Importance of Standards New industry standards vs. DoD Supplier integration Systems engineering Design data and operational data management Open systems profile to enable data interchange
17 Final Report MBE Subcommittee, Feb., 2011
18 Model Integration Through The Product Lifecycle System Analysi s Model Firmware / Elect. Model System Architectur e Model System CONOPS Model Integrated Data Management Layer Software Model System Cost Model System Test Model System Requirements Concept Development Concept Refinement Technology Development Engineering & Manufacturing Development Production & Deployment Operations & Sustainment Integration of Major Hubs Achieved through Integrated Data Management Layer Lifecycle Cost Model Reliability Model Bill of Materials Mech. Analysis Model 3D CAD Model O&S Hub… TBD Produc- ibility Model Chris Oster, “The Lockheed Martin Digital Tapestry”, 2012 INCOSE Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Workshop, Jacksonville, Florida.
19 Tom Hannon, “Evolving Lockheed Martin’s Engineering Practices Through the Creation of a Model ‐ centric Digital Tapestry”, NIST Model Based Enterprise Summit, December, 2012NIST Model Based Enterprise Summit, December, 2012
20 Data Quality / Information Management Pay up front or pay more later in long term sustainment costs Parallels for requirements / software Technical debt for poor CM/DM Cost of manual conversions / quality checks
21 CM/DM Leadership Opportunities Early involvement during design Part of product support management team Support better decisions Drive innovation made possible by CM/DM
22 Capability Management Vision Engineering baseline management – digital data / configurations Fielded baseline / asset management – where and what condition Reliability / field feedback and root cause analysis Modernization through spares / upgrades opportunities Supplier / industrial base / customer integration
23 Next Steps Accept the challenge Demonstrate value proposition / business case Be an integrated member of design / product support management / integrator team Be ready to support the next generation