1. As you walked in, you were handed a piece of paper. 2. QUICKLY, get started reading this and filling out the sections labeled “Do Now.” 3. We are doing a lab that I didn’t originally plan, so we need to not waste time today! Do Now
Announcements All classroom materials need to be with you by this Friday! If you have problems getting the materials, talk to me about it during independent work. Scientific Method test September 7 th.
Agenda You are all insanely smart. Group teaching: Scientific questions Independent, dependent, control variables Cabbage lab
Why? It is important that we understand the cause and effect relationships between the independent and dependent variable. In this class, we will be performing a bunch of labs and it is necessary that we understand that we change the independent variable to effect the dependent variable.
Scientific questions We will write our questions: How does ______________ affect _____________? Where the first blank is the independent variable, and the second is the dependent variable. What is the effect of _______________ on _______________? Where the first blank is the independent variable, and the second is the dependent variable.
Independent, dependent, control Variables Question: Does brushing your teeth prevent the number of cavities you get? Independent variable is the variable that you change. IE: Brushing your teeth Dependent variable is the variable that you measure. IE: number of cavities Control variables are all the other variables that remain constant throughout and might not be exactly stated. IE: Eating after brushing your teeth, type and amount of tooth paste used
Homework Procedure I will assign homework weekly. You will write your homework in your calendar for the week on Monday. You will need to get this sheet signed by one of your parents/guardians. When homework is due, you will turn them in before class into your classes basket. If you are in my first block class, your homework will go into the bin labeled “1 st block.”
Paper Passing I don’t really feel like we need to go to in-depth on this. However…. When passing papers back, take one off the top and pass to the person behind you. Do not fool around, you’re just wasting time and being petty.
Pencil sharpening I hate pencil sharpeners. They’re loud, annoying, and just a pain. I have a handheld pencil sharpener. You may raise your hand at any point if you need to borrow this in class. Please try to get your pencils sharpened before class.
Cause and effect relationship Try and explain to your partner how the relationship between the independent and dependent variables is comparable to a cause and effect relationship. When working in partners you must: Stay on task! Be respectful to each other! Listen to your partner.
Cause and effect relationship continued… When you manipulate (change) the independent variable, it directly causes the change in the dependent variable.
Practicing variables In partners, figure out which is the independent, dependent, and control variables. 1. Does fertilizer make a plant grow larger? 1. Independent: Fertilizer 2. Dependent: Plant growth 3. Control: Sun light, water 2. Is a classroom louder when the teacher leaves the room? 1. Independent: Teacher 2. Dependent: Noise level 3. Control: Number of students, directions about whether they can or can’t talk
Group Work Raise your hand silently if you have ever played the game Dice, Dice, Baby. RULES: You need to get out one piece of paper between you and your partner and then split it in half. YOU EACH SHOULD HAVE A HALF OF THE PAPER! Do not write on the paper!
Dice, Dice Baby You will be getting 1 die between the two of you. Partner 1 will roll the dice until they get a 6. While partner 1 is rolling, partner 2 is going to be identifying the independent, dependent, and control variables for a series of questions. When partner 1 rolls a 6, they will grab the pen out of the partners hand (GENTLY!). This game can get intense fast. Let’s try not to hurt each other
Exit Ticket Identify the independent, dependent, and control variable for the following scenario. 1. You want to test whether the amount of sugar you eat in a day has a direct relation to the amount of energy you have in a day. What are the independent, dependent, and control variables?