ITT2037 Session 1: Manipulating Media The role of media as a presentation tool and a creative tool Explore sound and video editing tools Planning a classroom media project Develop a media resource
iMovie projects and trailers Think about audience and purpose. Consider the role of media in the curriculum, as a presentation tool and a creative tool.
MovieMaker Develop an understanding of copyright and attribution issues and of eSafety when sourcing and using media.
Tellagami app
Touchcast Explore a range of hardware and software for manipulating media and for producing multimodal texts, including chroma key technology and iPads
Planning tools Web: Popplet iPad: iCardSort iBrainstorm Popplet Make use of ideas mapping and storyboarding tools to model approaches to planning media projects.
Planning tools iPad: Make Dice Lite grammar-app-make-dice-lite/
(staff) Exploring Topics
Purple Mash (staff)
2Create a Story/SuperStory
Retelling with puppets Puppet Pals through-puppetpals/ Think about how the use of digital media can offer children alternative ways of expressing themselves and how the interactive use of media can enrich learning.
Apps for combining media /11/ipad-lesson-solids-liquids-and- gasses.html iPads: PicCollage Explain Everything FeltBoard
Making characters talk with apps 6/01/eric-carle-inspired-madlips/ Morfo er_embedded&v=oHlt-b5MDA0
Making books talk QR Codes Aurasma
Adding sound to images iPad: Sonic Pics PixnTell DoodleCast Draw and Tell
Talking stories Web and app: Little Bird Tales
Apps for making eBooks
Talking Pictures
Explore Resources on Pinterest
Software and tools Apps Software Internet Pic Collage2Create a Superstory Little Bird Tales Popplet iMovie 2Create a Story Make DiceMovieMaker 2Create a Superstory Little Bird Tales Morfo Draw&Tell PixNTell Tellagami MadLips Puppet Pals Explain Everything Aurasma FeltBoard DoodleCast DrawNTell VideoScribe Touchcast Choose one of the tools as a starting point for developing a media resource and activity idea.