Asking questions My brotherlivesin Rome. Affirmative Question My brotherlivesin Rome. in Rome? live your brother DOES
Information questions DOES your brother live in Rome? Why When Where My bother lives in Rome from October to April because he works there.
Information questions DO your friends play football? Why When Where My friends play football every weekend because they love to do sports.
Information questions DO you do your homework? Why When Where I do my homework after school because I have free time before dinner.
Ask questions 1. I go shopping on Mondays and Tuesdays. 2. I eat hamburgers because I like them. 3. I go to Paris on holidays. 4. I read books at the weekend. 5. She plays basketball because she is in a team.
WH- questions Working in 2 teams (A and B) Student A Roll the dice The number decides the question word you need to use Do not take too long or you loose your turn Ask another student a question Student B Student B answers and rolls the dice again
Roll the dice 1. Who 2. What 3. Where 4. When 5. Why 6. How + TOPIC When did you start to live in your house? Who do you live with? What type of house do you live in? Where do you live? How long have you lived in Gijón? Why do you live in Gijón?
Topics Ask a question about: 1. Get up 2. Have a shower 3. Go to school 4. Have dinner 5. Go to bed 6. Birthday 7. Christmas 8. Go on holidays 9. Watch TV 10. Listen to music 11. Play 12. Do my homework 13. Visit family 14. Brush your teeth 15. Do sports 1. Who 2. What 3. Where 4. When 5. Why 6. How