Probability By: Ryan Marshall & Pat Galuski
It is impossible to fly without a flying device. It is a 0% chance of it happening
It is very unlikely to roll a dice and landing on 5, 10 times in a row. There is less then 25% chance of that happening.
It is unlikely for it to snow in Australia during any part of the year. There is a 50% chance of this happening or less.
It is Equally likely to flip a coin and land on heads if you flip it once. There is a 50% chance of this happening
It is likely that you will go somewhere over the weekend. There is a 50% or more then this to happen.
It is very likely that it will snow in Buffalo every year. There is a 75% chance of this happening or more.
It is certain that there is at least 365 days in a year. there is a 100% chance of this happening.