Daily Math was developed for use in a kindergarten classroom. Students interact with numbers 0-12 and when developmentally appropriate Students talk about, write about, and manipulated numbers developing a deeper sense of numbers. The interactive whiteboard (SMART) allows for engaging, meaningful interactions with numbers. Daily Math is easily adapted throughout the year to include money, time, measurement and other mathematic concepts. Assessment include: anecdotal observations, The Hand Game, the Meade School District Kindergarten Assessment and grade-level report card rubrics. Mrs. Isaacson
We begin our Daily Math routine with determining the number of the day. Here we use an interactive set of dice (roll when touched). Students find the sum of the dice and write it under the number of the day. Then using the “fun” pen feature, students represent the number of the day on the tens frame. When using number talks in Kindergarten we focus on “small” numbers. Here we are focusing on 2-12.
Students construct understandings of how numbers are related and sequenced. Here students write the number of the day in black on the black line. Then using corresponding colors, students write the number before and after the number of the day.
Students demonstrate their understanding of number by representing “how many” using pictures, words, and numbers. Student have access to drawing tools and pictures in the gallery to illustrate their thinking. Students make their thinking visible through the illustrations and oral explanations of how they demonstrated the number of the day.
Students construct a number sentence that represents the number of the day. Using the phrase “is the same as” emphasizes that each side of the equation is equal, or balanced.
Students touch the coin die which spins, stops, and reveals a new coin. Student name the coin, discuss the amount of the coin and coin attributes. Many times we sing or chant coin rhymes that we’ve learned when the coin appears. “Nickel, nickel, thick and fat. You’re worth five cents, I know that!”
Students move the hour and minute hand to determine a new time on the clock. Then the time is written on the digital display and in a sentence that is read back to the class. A song about the clock may be sung during this time when reinforcing how the minute and hour hand work. “The clock has numbers one through twelve, one through twelve, one through twelve. The clock has numbers one through twelve, what time is it?” Verses are repeated changing “numbers one through twelve” to “the long hand is the minute hand,” then “the short hand is the hour hand.” Song is sung to the tune “The Wheels on the Bus.”