arma,armorum weapons, arms
vir,viri man
cano, canere, cecini, cantus to sing
ora, orae shore, border, edge, coast, region, land
fatum, fati fate
profugus, profugi fugitive, refugee
litus, litoris, n. seashore, coast
venio, venire, vēni, venturus to come
iacto, iactare, iactavi, iactatus to throw, cast, drive back & forth, toss about, torment, talk/think about, to brag about, show off, flaunt oneself
terra, terrae earth, land, ground
altum, alti the deep, the sea
superus, superi above, upper, higher; m. pl. as noun = gods
vis, vis, acc. = vim, abl.= vi, f. force, amount; pl. vires = strength, miltary forces
saevus, -a, -um fierce, savage
ira, irae anger
memor, memoris keeping in memory, mindful, unforgetting
patior, pati, passus sum to suffer, endure
bellum, belli war
dum while, as long as, until
urbs, urbis, f. city
condo, condere, condidi, conditus to put into, to store (up), to hide; to found, establish
infero, inferre, intuli, illatus to bring in
deus, dei god
genus, generis, n. race, stock, nation, offspring; kind, type
unde from where
pater, patris, m. father
moenia, moenium, walls
causa, causae reason
memoro, memorare, memoravi, memoratus to speak, say; to speak of as, call, name; to tell about, narrate; to remind, call to mind
numen, numinis, n. divine power, divine will, divine sanction, divinity, godhead, divine presence
laedo, laedere, laesi, laesus to injure, harm; to displease, offend
doleo, dolēre, dolui, doliturus to be sorry, be sad, be in pain, hurt
regina, reginae queen
tot so many
volvo, volvere, volui, volutus to move in a curved course, Bring/turn around, roll; to unroll (a scroll), spin out (a thread); to turn around in the mind; to undergo
casus, casūs, m. falling, fall; accident, chance, event; misfortune, disaster, risk
insignis, -is, -e clearly visible, conspicuous, remarkable, noteworthy outstanding
pietas, pietatis, f. dutiful respect, devotion (to the gods, family, country)
impello, impellere, impuli, impulsus to strike (against); to drive, push, impel
tantus, -a, -um so great, such a big
animus, animi mind; pl. = courage, pride
caelistis, -is, -e in the sky, from the sky, celestial, heavenly, divine; As a noun = god, goddess