The Human Brain
The Central Core Cerebellum: Motor Control Brain Stem: Pons: Sleep, arousal Reticular Formation: Sleep, arousal, attention Medulla: unconscious functions (i.e. breathing) Which part of the nervous system? Thalamus: Relay station for the senses Hypothalamus: Homeostasis What other important function does this organ perform?
Limbic System Controls eating, aggression, and reproduction Consists of: Amygdala Hippocampus Fornix
The Cerebral Cortex Memor 4 Major Lobes Frontal Parietal Temporal Occipital
Frontal Lobe Frontal lobes: Emotions Thinking Memory Personality Motor Area Voluntary movement Broca’s Area (Speech production)
Parietal Lobe Memory of objects, uses, and directions Somatosensory Area
Temporal Lobe Hearing, Speech, and Memory Wernicke’s area (Speech Comprehension) Auditory Area
Occipital Lobe Visual area Visual association area
Hemispheres Symmetrical halves of the brain Lateralization: the dominance of one hemisphere of the brain in specific functions Example: Language Left Hemisphere: Verbal Functions i.e. speaking, reading, thinking, reasoning Right Hemisphere: Nonverbal Functions i.e. spatial relationships, recognition of patterns, music and emotional expression dex.html
Studying the Brain EEG: Electroencephalogram PET: Positron Emission Tomography fMRI: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging TMS: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Imaging