I went to Spain by train And I had to explain To a girl who was vain What is a chain. Yesterday I made a cake, And my Dad saw a rake Like a snake, On a lake. Karen
Yesterday I went to Spain In a fast train I saw a big snail And it started to rain. Yesterday I went to Spain And a maid saw a snake and was afraid On Monday I went to Spain in a big plane, I saw a girl with a snake on her face she was afraid. Agustina S.
One day I went to Spain In a very fast train And it had to rain When I saw a girl that was vain She was wearing a chain. Micol
Yesterday I was walking in the rain And I met a man from Spain And he gave me the mail, With a snail. I went to my house, My maid waited for me with a mouse. With paint I went by train, And I had to explain A work of art in vain. Marcos N.
Today I went to Spain In a very fast train And I saw it rain On a very dry plain. Barbara
Yesterday I went to Spain In a very fast plane And I saw a slow train. One day I was afraid Because I saw an ugly maid She was very plain She wore a chain. Stefi
My maid is afraid Of snakes and snails. I need to explain, What is vain I sent a mail By snail. Marcos S.
To Spain I always go by train; But last time I went by plane I had to explain In vain To a girl what is a snail That has no tail. The maid had to faint When she saw what I paint I received a mail From Spain With a snail. Vale
Yesterday I went to Spain By a fast red train, I saw a woman who was vain She had a golden chain. Antonio
I went to Spain In a fast train And it had to rain. I saw a snake That ate my cake In the lake Iñigo
Yesterday I went to Spain, In a very fast train; And I saw a girl who was very vain. Inés.
Yesterday I went to Spain On a long green train. Then I ate a cake Shaped like a snake. I ate it in vain, Because I had to paint it again. Rodrigo M.P.
I went to Spain By train And it rained. The man had to explain, To my sister That I could not find another train. Ema
I saw a snake That eats cake And it likes to use the rake. It tried to get in a train, But it was really afraid. Rodrigo E.
Yesterday I went by train And we sent a mail To Spain, With a gold chain, For a game. Who was afraid But my maid Of snails, So I paid For a snake That eats snails. Vicente
Yesterday I went to Spain And it started to rain As I passed by Kappity Plain. Mechi
Yesterday I went to Spain I saw a very fast train. I saw a girl in the train That had a very long chain. And she had to explain, What is a snail. Madelaine
I went by plane To Spain And it rained. My maid Was afraid To go to Spain By train. I don’t like to explain Again and again, About the rain. Martín with Miss Julianne
I had to explain again What is a train. The snail That was on the sail Was always afraid Of the maid. I go to Spain To look for a chain But all I saw was a train. Serena
I saw a painting of a sail-boat There was a sailing flag I saw a train Again and again, and again That had a snail That fell Andy
In Spain I saw a snake On a nice rake. My sister sent me a mail By a slow snail And made me a cake That looked like a snake. Mariano with Miss Julianne