I don’t feel like I’m going to school... Don’t call the principal, It will only make things worse...
BULLYING IN TODAY’S SCHOOLS Presented By Christine Wilson State Department of Education Prevention & Support Services P.O. Box Montgomery, AL
Presentation Sources The Bully Free Classroom, Beane, A.L., Ph. D, ©1999 School Safety Leadership Curriculum National School Safety Center, ©1999 Set Straight On Bullies Videotape National School Safety Center, ©1988
BULLYING TOP TEN FACTS Ê Bullying is more than just teasing Ë Anyone can be a bully Ì Anyone can be a victim Í Bullying isn’t a modern problem Î Bullying affects everyone Ï Bullying is a serious problem Ð We can work together to find solutions Ñ Comprehensive planning will produce best results Ò Schools are responsible for protecting Ó Those at risk of bullying can be helped The Bully Free Classroom, 1999
BULLYING w About 15% of all students are involved in violence either as a bully or a victim. w 1 in 10 students are regularly bullied. w More than 50% students in lower grades are bullied by older students. National School Safety Center, 1999
A Definition One or more individuals inflicting physical, verbal, or emotional abuse on another individual or individuals. National School Safety Center, 1999
Research Indicates w Feels life is stacked against him w Appears self-doomed, a lifelong loser w Has chance of having a criminal record w By age 36, is more likely to have Traffic violations Drunk driving convictions Abusive action toward spouse & children Convictions for serious crimes Lack of academic, professional, social success
Adopting The Three R’s w Rules - Adults must demonstrate they are in charge w Rights - Everyone has a right to a safe environment w Responsibilities - Educators, families, & students
Controlling Bullying w Assess problem w Communicate clear, consistently enforced behavior policies w Closely monitor entire campus w Establish comprehensive reporting system w Provide opportunities to talk
Additional Steps w Never overlook abusive acts w Notify parents of both bullies & victims w Establish intervention programs w Encourage parent participation w Provide support, &, if necessary, protection for victims
Creating A Positive Classroom w Expose bully myths w Define bullying w Build acceptance of all students w Talk about bullying w Share facts about bullying w List bullying behaviors w Share stories about bullying w Take a class/school survey w Set rules w Designate your room “Bully Free”
Positive Classroom Continued w Teach anger management skills w Respond effectively to reports of bullying w Intervene immediately when bullying is witnessed w Teach friendship skills w Welcome new students w Explore expectations w Learn more about your students w Identify role models w Explore ways to deal with bullies w “Notes to the Teacher” box
More Positive Classroom w Promote structured activities w Provide supervision w Build empathy w Reward cooperation w Keep grades private w Use quotations as teaching tools w Encourage random acts of kindness w Teach students to use “I messages” w Teach assertiveness skills w Promote teamwork
And Still More... w Work together to solve a problem w Build understanding w Set & review weekly goals w Assign related reading w Teach conflict resolution skills w Set up a “Peace Place” w Explore lives of famous peacemakers w Teach peer mediation skills w Change seating assignments w Say “Cheese”!
And More... w Teach students about gangs, hate groups w Track bullying on TV w Affirm your students w Teach them to affirm themselves & each other w Assess the week w Teach positive self-talk w Use humor w Get student involved in service w Monitor the messages you send
HELPING VICTIMS w Be alert & BE HIGHLY VISIBLE w Identify victims or potential victims w Watch for warning signs w Get family input w Talk with other teachers & staff w Examine your own beliefs w Break the code of silence w Act immediately w Be a good listener w Send a clear message w Provide counseling
Helping Victims Continued w Empower families w Mobilize witnesses w Encourage a positive attitude w Build students’ self-esteem w Teach positive visualization w Help students accept their differences w See your class through students’ eyes w Share tips for staying bully free w Try the method of shared concern w Try the no blame approach w Encourage strong family relationships
More Help For Victims w Encourage relationships with adults w Provide safe havens w Equalize the power w Involve students in groups w Give them opportunities to shine w Teach planning & power skills w Protect yourself
HELPING BULLIES w Catch them in the act w Have compassion w Identify bullies or potential bullies w Never bully the bully w Have clear consequences in place w Change their thinking w Communicate with families w Get families together w Keep the focus on behavior w Teach students to monitor own behavior
Helping Bullies Continued w Provide counseling w Get other students involved w Help students identify & pursue interests w Teach leadership skills w Help students find mentors w Learn more about your students w Present a united front against bullying w Help students manage their anger w Get older students involved w Use “Stop & Think”
More Help For Bullies w Give students meaningful responsibilities w Teach them to “Talk sense to themselves” w Compile behavior profiles w Teach positive ways to feel powerful w Try critical questioning w Provide a place for students to go w Start a club w Help students understand why they bully others w Help students stop bullying
Deterring Disruptive Behavior w Adequate training for educators w Provide sufficient student space w Provide sufficient materials w Eliminate materials suggestive of aggressive themes w Don’t allow aggressor to benefit from aggressive acts w When intervening in conflict, address victim, not aggressor
Deterring Disruptions Cont. w Provide victim w/ ways to hand aggression w Encourage verbal alternative to aggression w Demonstrate non-aggressive approaches to conflict w Demonstrate alternative problem-solving methods w Avoid making physical punishment against aggression w Don’t encourage redirection of physical aggression toward inanimate objects w Discourage viewing of media violence
Dealing With Angry Students w Do not raise your voice w Remain calm & rational w Keep a safe, non-intimidating distance w Do not point at or touch angry student w Never directly approach a disruptive student w Suggest angry student sit down w Reassure angry student & others w Don’t “jail” student, with back to wall w Change crisis gradually w Document
Hallway Safety w Acknowledge those you know w Give appearance of self-assurance w Walk with flow of traffic w When talking to a student, don’t stand “in his/her face” w Walk “on an angle”; Don’t stop w Walk with students w Stairs, a step behind going down - Near the wall going up