Nationalism - feelings of pride for your country or a desire for independence
Imperialism - complete political, economic, and social domination of one country by another.
Nationalism gains importance in Central and Eastern Europe. 1. Helped create unified countries. 2. Threatened to break up large empires
At the Congress of Vienna, the German Confederation was created. It was a loose union of small states. Nationalists upset, want unified Germany.
Obstacles to German Unification: 1. Austria was opposed to unification. It dominates German Confederation so afraid lose influence if Germany unifies
2. European countries afraid of German competition. France Russia Austria Great Britain
Especially afraid of: Military Power
Economic Power
3. The small states were afraid a unified Germany would be dominated by Prussia.
4. The Catholic states in south afraid of being ruled by Protestant Prussia.
Prussia leads unification because: 1. Absolute rulers made it a strong country with a large army.
2. Industrial Revolution adds to Prussia’s strength.
3. Believed in Militarism - glorification of military and readiness for war.
4. Ended serfdom and created an education system.
Otto von Bismarck was appointed by William I to be Prime Minister. Both wanted to unite Germany under Prussian control.
Prussia’s first step towards unification was to weaken Austria in the German Confederation.
Bismarck wanted a war but first had to keep other countries out, so no balance of power threat.
France - he promised to give them some territory.
Russia - forced out because Prussia helped stop a Polish uprising in Poland
Italy - joined the war against Austria because Prussia promised them Venetia. Venetia
The Austro-Prussian War of 1866
Prussia wins easily because: 1. Militarism created a disciplined army with excellent leaders.
2. Used railroads to quickly move military.
3. Created new rapid fire weapons like the Needle Gun during it’s Industrial Revolution.
The peace treaty stated that: 1. Austria forced out of German Confederation - it then dissolved. 2. Prussia annexed many small German states and then created the North German Confederation. 3. Austria gave Italy Venetia.
After the Austro-Prussian War only the Catholic German states in the south remained outside Prussian control.
Southern German states were: 1. Suspicious of Prussia’s growing power.
2. Wanted to keep their independence.
3. Did not want to be dominated by Prussia - a Protestant country.
4. Also feared being controlled by France.
Bismarck used fear to convince Southern German States into forming a military alliance. Bismarck wanted war with France so the military alliance would then become political unification.
john PRUSSIA France also wanted war against Prussia:
1. Lost many foreign wars - wanted to win again.
2. France’s leader Napoleon III had many domestic problems. Hoped a successful war could save his failing empire.
3. France afraid of Prussia’s growing power. Want defeat Prussia before too powerful.
FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR Prussia’s excellent army defeated France in only six weeks.
Napoleon III is captured and taken prisoner.
PRUSSIA In the peace treaty, France was forced to give Prussia the territories of Alsace and Lorraine.
The Southern German states join Prussia and create the German Empire.
William I is crowned Kaiser - emperor of the German Empire.
European’s rapidly create colonies in: 1. Africa
2. Asia
Different forms of Imperialism: 1. Colony - a territory ruled directly by an imperial power.
2. Protectorate - has its own government but its policies are guided by a foreign power.
3. Sphere of Influence - region of a country where an imperial power had exclusive trading rights.
Reasons for imperialism: 1. Nationalism - gain prestige and power for country by creating large empires.
2. Political Rivalries - claim a territory before another country.
3. Economic demands of the Industrial Revolution.
Acquire raw materials cheaply for their factories back at home.
Claim new markets to sell their finished products.
4. Humanitarian and Religious Concerns. Felt it was their duty to save the savage natives souls. Missionaries wanted to convert natives to Christianity.
5. Land for increasing populations to move and make a new home. France Algeria
6. Social Darwinism - many believed it was natural for strong nations to dominate weaker nations.
Many colonial claims overlapped. Europe almost went to war over Africa in the late 1800s.
The Conference of Berlin: Organized by Bismarck of Germany. Europeans Partition - divide Africa into colonies, ending disagreements.
Countries at the Conference of Berlin: Great Britain France Spain Belgium Italy Portugal Germany
In Africa, only two countries allowed to remain independent: EthiopiaLiberia
In Asia, only Thailand (Siam) was not colonized by Europeans. Thailand (Siam)
Two reasons why: 1. Industrialized quickly using European methods.
2. Convince Britain & France be neutral “buffer zone” between empires BRITAIN FRANCE THAILAND (SIAM)