Habit 3 “Put First Things First”
Review Habit 1 –“Be Proactive” “You are the driver, not the passenger” Habit 2 -“Begin with the End in Mind” “Decide where you want to go and how you will get there.”
Habit 3 is all about learning to prioritize and managing your time so that your first things come first, not last. It is the strength to say “no” to less important things and “yes” to more important things.
Reading “The Mayonnaise Jar”
Put the following in your booklet My “golf balls” would be: My “pebbles” would be: My “sand” would be: **two or more for each
The Time Quadrants The Procrastinator Example: - Put off doing things; do everything at the last minute; results in stress, anxiety, burnout..
The Procrastinator Example: - Put off doing things; do everything at the last minute; results in stress, anxiety, burnout. The “Yes-Person” Example: - Tries to please other people; can’t say “no” because afraid of offending others; often caves to peer pressure; results in reputation of being a “pleaser,” lack of discipline
The Procrastinator Example: - Put off doing things; do everything at the last minute; results in stress, anxiety, burnout. The “Yes-Man” Example: - Tries to please other people; can’t say “no” because afraid of offending others; often caves to peer pressure; results in reputation of being a “pleaser,” lack of discipline The Slacker Example: category of waste and excess; do too much of everything that is unproductive.; results: lack of responsibility, guilt, flakiness.
The Procrastinator Example: - Put off doing things; do everything at the last minute; results in stress, anxiety, burnout. The Prioritizer - Results: “Quadrant of Excellence”; “got it together”; ook at everything they need to do and then prioritize to make sure that first things get done first and last things done last; knowhow to say no with a smile; results in control of their life, balance, high performance. The “Yes-Man” Example: - Tries to please other people; can’t say “no” because afraid of offending others; often caves to peer pressure; results in reputation of being a “pleaser,” lack of discipline The Slacker - Example: category of waste and excess; do too much of everything that is unproductive.; results: lack of responsibility, guilt, flakiness.