Who is more superstitious ? The diagram shows that _________ are more superstitious than ______________ .
Superstitions in Britain. Bring bad luck Bring good luck
Use gerund to express your attitude to superstitions: (meet) a black cat on my way. (break) a mirror. hate (wear) a charm. I don’t mind (kill) a spider. enjoy (walk) under a ladder. am afraid of (catch) falling leaves in autumn. like (open) an umbrella in the house. (whistle) in the house.
Learn some new Superstitions Step on a crack Breaks your mother's back. a crack [kræk] трещина, щель (особенно в полу) Touch blue And your wish Will come true.
To make a warning we use infinitive: Make the dialogues To make a warning we use infinitive: To give an advice we use should + infinitive -- Watch out ! Don’t kill the spider! - You should touch wood to be lucky. -- Don’t worry! I won’t. - Thanks. I will. -- Be careful! It’s the 13th of November today! - You should spit over your left shoulder to avoid bad luck. --I’ll be careful. - Thanks. I will.
use Conditional I to tell what you will do if…… Conditional Clause If+Present Simple Main Clause will+ infinitive If I ( meet ) a black cat on my way , I (spit) 3 times through my left shoulder. If he (break) a mirror, he (have) 7 years’ bad luck. If she (wear) a charm, she (not/have) bad luck. If we ( catch) 12 falling leaves in autumn, we ( have) 12 lucky months in the year. The family (be) happy and wealthy If they (have) a horseshoe over the door. Somebody in your family (die) soon If you (kill) a spider. His family (be) poor If he ( whistle) at home. If she ( see) two magpies, she ( be) happy. If a bird (fly) into your house, it (bring) bad news. meet will spit breaks will have won’t have wears catch will have will be have kill will die will be whistles sees will be flies will bring
Open the brackets and write the sentences. If you (spill) salt _ you (quarrel) with your friends or relatives. She ( be) rich _if she (put) a horseshoe on the door. He (pass) his exam _ if he (find) a fourleaf clover. If she (touch) blue _ her wish (come) true. We (have) good luck _ if we see two magpies.
Touch wood. Knock on the desk. Cross fingers. Catch falling leaves Touch wood. Knock on the desk. Cross fingers. Catch falling leaves. Say “white rabbits” and Wait for good things.
47 Bedford Street London The UK 25 October 2010 Dear Nikita, Thank you for your letter. It was very interesting to know about superstitions in Russia. You asked me to tell you about our family superstitions. My granny is 1) (superstitious) person in our family. She 2) (not/ let) me name the devil. She 3) (believe) that if I name the devil, he 4) (appear). She is also afraid of 5) (meet) black cats. She 6) (hate) (spill) salt. As for my mum, she 7) (be) afraid of number 13. She doesn’t mind 8) (wear) a charm . My dad isn’t very superstitious but he 9) (not/let) me whistle at home. He says we !0) (lose) all money if I 11) (whistle). Honestly, I’m not superstitious. But one thing I know for sure. If my farther asks me to show my school diary , it 12) (bring) me bad luck. How are you doing at school? Do you have any school superstitions? Will you celebrate Halloween this year? Write back soon. All the best, Paul.
To do at home http://www.corsinet.com/trivia/scary.html Children, your home task is to read ex. 58 , page 21 and to write ex. 33and 34, p. 31.
Match the sentences: 1. If you whistle indoors, A. she will marry soon. 2. If a girl catches the bride's bouquet after a wedding, B. the devil will appear. 3. If you break a mirror, C. It will break your mother’s back. 4. If you talk of the devil, D. you will lose all your money. 5. If you spill salt, E. you will have seven years' bad luck. 6. If you step a crack, F. your wish will come true. 7. If you touch wood, G. you will avoid bad luck. 8. If a black cat crosses your path, H. you will quarrel with somebody. 9. If you touch blue, I. you will have bad luck. (In Russia)