Sexual Harassment Prevention Training by: Dr. Sue Guenter-Schlesinger Vice Provost for Equal Opportunity & Employment Diversity
Sexual Harassment Prohibition: It’s the Law Title VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964) Faculty & Staff Title IX (Ed Amendments of 1972) Students WAC 381-10-140
Western Policies Equal Opportunity/Non-Discrimination Policy Sexual Harassment Related Policies: Faculty Handbook, Section I, VIII & Appendix F, Section 7
Sexual Harassment: Definition Unwelcome sexual advances and/or Requests for sexual favors Other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature WHEN…….
Definition (Cont’d.) Submission to such conduct or activity is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or academic progress Submission to or rejection of such conduct or activity is used as the basis for employment or evaluation Such conduct or activity interferes with an individual’s employment or educational advancement and /or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
Sexual Harassment (Cont’d.) Quid Pro Quo Hostile Environment
Who Could Be Sexually Harassed? EVERYBODY! Power vs. Sex
CRITICAL ISSUES Flirtation vs. Harassment Intent vs. Impact
Examples of Sexual Harassment Turning work discussions to sexual topics Asking personal questions about social/sexual life Making sexual comments about a person’s clothing or body Staring at someone Blocking a person’s path Massaging a person’s neck, shoulders Patting, caressing, fondling
Sexual Harassment Myths Just saying “NO” should make it stop. Harassment will stop if it is ignored. If women watched how they dressed, there wouldn’t be any harassment. Sexual harassment is harmless; women have no sense of humor. The more training you get in sexual harassment prevention, the more polarized men and women will be.
What To Do If Sexually Harassed Tell the harasser to stop, if possible. Say how the behavior is offensive to you. Document the incident(s) and report it to your supervisor . Utilize organizational procedures (EO Office).
Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures EO Office will try to informally resolve issue at lowest level if possible. Alleged victim may file formal complaint (45 days). EO Office conducts investigation, ensuring fairness to all parties. Leadership is informed of outcome & takes appropriate action.
Why Victims Don’t Report Do not believe anything will happen (lack of confidence in leadership). Afraid they will be blamed (Lack of confidence in their own perceptions). Concern for the harasser.
Supervisory Responsibilities Take the complaint seriously. Supervisory responsibility: “Knew or should have known.” Document all discussions. Follow org’l procedures, ensuring fairness to all parties. Take swift & appropriate action in substantiated cases.
Supervisory Responsibilities (cont’d.) Retaliation is Prohibited by Law! Leadership can help ensure that complainants are protected against retaliation, even if their complaint is not substantiated through an investigation.-
Potential Liability for Supervisors Personal as well as Institutional Liability: “Knew or Should Have Known” places special responsibility on supervisors. Supervisors are required to address issue by inquiring into it (with assistance from the EO Office) and then addressing it appropriately. Requirement to “Make the victim whole again.”