Everything you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask……..
Number 10: What is Student Administration (SA)? A single system for managing all student administrative activities. Student InformationStudent Financials Student Records Spreadsheets Current Student Administration Future
Number 9: Why is UMBC implementing SA? To replace existing administrative systems with one integrated system. To support a growing and changing campus. To provide improved web-based, self-service functionality for faculty and students.
Number 8: When will SA be implemented? Recruitment successfully implemented Winter 2007 Fall 2008 Admissions and Document Imaging
Number 8: When will SA be implemented? Student Registration for Summer/Fall 2009 Student Financials Academic Advisement Student and Faculty Self – Service Student Billing - Late Spring 2009 Full Academic Advisement Spring 2009 Fall 2009 Winter /2009 Financial Aid
Number 7 : What is included in the SA Implementation? Recruitment Admissions Financial Aid Student Financials Student Records Academic Advisement (Degree Audit) Student Self Service Faculty Self Service
Admissions One place to enter, manage and analyze student applications and supporting information Efficient matriculation of students Graduate school supporting documentation will be available to Academic departments via improved document imaging solution Implementation Timeline – Fall 2008
Student Records Improved on-line tools to assist students in identifying appropriate class choices and managing their registration Streamlined academic standing processes Automated transfer credit evaluation process Online scheduling Online grading Prerequisite checking (will be implemented in Fall 2009) Implementation Timeline –March 2009 Registration for Summer and Fall 2009 classes will be conducted online in Student Administration
Academic Advisement Automated ability to perform a degree audit for all Undergraduate students Streamline graduation clearance Advisor & Students able to view “what if” scenarios More substantive advising and interaction between students and faculty Implementation Timeline – Spring 2009 for General Education Program Fall Fully functional for Majors, Minors and Certificates
Faculty Self-Service A single point of entry to: View class rosters and view student and advisee information Access class schedules – Viewed as a list or in a calendar format View final exam schedule for each term in a list or in a weekly schedule Enter grades Convenient link to student academic information – Degree Audit and Unofficial Transcripts Implementation Timeline – Spring 2009
Number 6 : Who will be impacted by SA?
Number 5 : What are the benefits of SA? Academic Faculty, Chairs and Staff: Information at your finger tips Ability to analyze data for course management, scheduling purposes, advising and retention Improved reporting capabilities via iStrategy reporting tool
Number 4: How do I access SA?
Number 3: What are the new SA terms I need to know? Academic Institution = UMBC Academic Career = Ugrad, Grad, Non-Credit Academic Program = Degree, Non-Degree Academic Plan = Major, Minor, Certificates Academic Sub-plan = Concentration or Track Term = Semester
New SA Terms Continued Units = Credits CampusID = Unique identifier for all UMBC students, faculty and staff – printed on ID cards EmplID = Student or Employee ID number Service Indicators = Hold or Block on student record Milestones = Non Course Requirements
Number 2: How do I get trained? JUST IN TIME TRAINING! What you need to know, when you need to know it. Instructor-led courses Online learning and simulations Job aids
Number 1 : How do I get Help in SA when I need it? Log on to the Student Administration website You will find: An overview of the project and its governance Information about each SA module End-user support section FAQs A place to post comments and questions (forum)
In Summary… The implementation of Student Administration will replace existing administrative systems with technology that supports a growing and changing campus and provides extensive web-based, self- service functionality for faculty and students. Student Administration will allow the University to grow, provide better service to its students and faculty and stay competitive in the 21 st century.