Workplace Bullying Workplace bullying happens four times more often than illegal harassment or discrimination. Bullying between workers is more prevalent than intimidation by supervisors or customers
What is Bullying in the Workplace Bullying includes: - Repeated intimidation - Slandering - Social Isolation - Humiliation by one or more persons towards one.
Bullying vs. Ribbing/Teasing Bullying is not delivered in a humorous manner – it is either: Threatening Hostile Un-welcomed
Bullying Statistics 39.2% involve an employee as the aggressor. 24.5% involved a customer. 14.7% involved a supervisor. 55.2% involved and employee as the victim. 10.5% involved a customer as the victim. 7.7 % involved a supervisor as the victim.
Bullying leads to Problems Problems resulting from bullying may include: Increased workers comp costs. Increased attrition rate. Loss of Profitability. Increased claims of harassment or discrimination.
What to Do! - Managers Look for aggressive employees and watch how they interact with other employees. Do not be afraid to intervene if you suspect bullying. If you witness bullying take immediate action to stop it or prevent it from happening again. If you get a complaint – investigate immediately, talk to witnesses, co-workers – find out if they have had similar experiences at work. If, as a manager, this is your management style – stop it – you nor the company can afford it!
What To Do - Employees This Company does not tolerate bullying tactics from anyone – employees, vendors, or managers. If you believe you are being bullied – contact your manager. If it is your manager, contact either the employee hotline (866) 240-6618, human resources or the next higher level of manager.
Bullying Vs. Workplace Violence Although bullying may not rise to the level of violence – it is none the less prohibited at work. Each employee working here has the right to come to work without fear of intimidation, threats, or being harassed. Our company goal is that all employees work in an environment conducive to success – not one that creates undue, unwanted stress. If you have an issue talk to someone right away! It is your right!