Macbeth : Hero to Villain


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Presentation transcript:

Macbeth : Hero to Villain All answers should be as detailed as possible and should be supported with sufficient evidence and quotation.

Macbeth as Hero Look at Act I, Sc2 again. Make a note of the words and phrases used to describe Macbeth who is ‘brave’ and Macdonald who is ‘merciless’. (remember: evidence and quotation)

Moral Sensitivity Initially Macbeth has difficulty accepting the witches prophecies and doesn’t know how to react. Focussing on Act I, Sc 3, 130-143, explain what it is that he finds good and evil about the prophecies. (remember: evidence and quotation)

Assessing Sensitivity In Act I. Sc5. 15-24, Lady Macbeth worries about her husband. Is she right to be concerned? Look also at Act I. Sc 4. 48-53, and Act I. Sc 7. 1-28. (remember: evidence and quotation)

Macbeth’s Response to Murder Act 2, Scene 2 shows clearly how Macbeth feels about what he has done. Comment on his reaction and say how this differs from the reaction shown by Lady Macbeth. (remember: evidence and quotation)

Concealment and Suspicion Concentrating on Act II, Sc 3 and Sc 4, comment on how Macbeth tries to cover his tracks. Which two characters suspect Macbeth’s guilt and how is this shown in the play. (remember: evidence and quotation)

More Murder In Act III. Sc 1. 47-72 more about the change in Macbeth is revealed. He has now killed three men and plans more murders. Compare this soliloquy to that in Act I. Sc7.1-28 And make a note of the similarities and differences in Macbeth’s thoughts. The rest of this scene involves discussion between Macbeth and the murderers. What does this reveal about his moral degeneration.

Moral Decline Chart Macbeth’s moral decline up to the end of Act III. Scene 6 is a useful guide, but what other offences has he committed?

Desperation In Act IV. Sc 1 Macbeth visits the witches again. How does his reaction now differ to that during his first encounter in Act I. Sc 3 and how does this experience change his attitude and actions?

A Moral Coward Discussion: Is Macbeth brave and misguided or is he a moral coward, lacking the courage to do what he knows he should?

Inside the Man Read Act V. Sc3 and Sc5 and make a note of all the words and phrases which reveal information regarding Macbeth’s state of mind. How does he react to the following: 1. Sc3. 1-29 when he hears of defections to Malcolm’s army;

2. Sc3. 38-62 when he talks to the doctor; 3. Sc5. 1-27 when he hears of his wife’s death; 4. Sc5. 30-52 when he is told that Birnam Wood is moving to Dunsinane. Look closely at Macbeth’s soliloquy: ‘Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow…’ Act V. Sc5 19-28. Write a paragraph explaining what you think is meant by it and then learn it off by heart.

Tragic Hero Is Macbeth a tragic hero? Use the notes given on tragedy to write at least a paragraph in answer to this question.