New Milford Public Library May News and Programs May has arrived and we are still hoping for our warmer weather. But no need to wait for our exciting programs; we are ready for you! So read on and see what May will bring. As always, check out our web site, or ask our helpful staff for all the details.
Adult Programs for May 2015 Special Programs Complete Job Search Trigger Point Therapy eBay Author Talk Introduction to Genealogy Murder Mystery Monthly Programs Monday Movies at NMPL NMPL’s Writers’ Group Evening Book Discussion Group Friday Forum Science Fiction Book Club Special Film Series –”Reel Justice” For further information regarding any of our programs, check our web site at or feel free to ask any of our friendly staff.
Evening Book Discussion May 4 at 6:30 PM Abby Ripley, a New Milford resident, has graciously agreed to be the facilitator of this group and has come up with a terrific list of books. The book for May is “The Kitchen House” by Kathleen Grissom and the library will provide the books. The group is limited to 10 people, so please call x201 to sign up.
eBooks at the Library May 4, 11 & 18 at 4 PM This is an open Q&A session for New Milford residents who would like help setting up their downloadable library eBooks. Bring your device, your library card and your questions. No appointment is necessary, just walk in. There will be 3 sessions in May: May 4, May 11 and May 18.
The Complete Job Search May 4, 6, 13 at 1:00 PM This course will guide you through an assessment of your personal strengths and teach you how to complete effective applications, resumes, and cover letters. You will learn to use the Internet to search for jobs and learn effective skills for interviewing and follow-up. Registration is required. Please sign up at the library or call x201.
Trigger Point Therapy May 6 at 6:30 PM Kenneth R. Hoffman, L.Ac., CCH, Medical Director of Sophia Natural Health Center will give a presentation on Trigger Point Therapy. Learn what trigger points are, how to locate them, and how to relieve them quickly and easily. Learn the importance of the relationship between stress, trigger points, and the effect on your health. Registration is requested.
NMPL’s Writers’ Group May 7 & 21 at 6:30 PM Are you a writer? Looking for support, encouragement, and critique? Then join our Writers' Group facilitated by Dennie DeBellis. We meet the first (1st) and third (3rd) Thursday of the month from 6:30 - 7:30 PM in the Connecticut Room. The group is limited to 8, so please register soon either online or by calling x201.
Monday Movies at NMPL May 11 at 1:00 PM Come view foreign films and discuss them. This month in this free series we will feature “the attack.” The film is in Arabic/Hebrew with English subtitles. It is rated R and runs 95 minutes. Light refreshments and a discussion will follow the presentation.
Friday Forum – May 15 at 1:00 PM in Memorial Hall This is our monthly series where we host a mystery book discussion group. This month's book is “Help for the Haunted” by John Searles. We provide the books and you provide the insight! The group is limited to 15 people, so please check if there is room by calling x203.
Science Fiction Book Group May 18 at 6:30 PM Marilyn Gunerman, a New Milford resident, has graciously agreed to be the facilitator of this group. All book choices are drawn from award winners. The group meets the third (3 rd ) Monday of the month in the Connecticut Room. The library will provide the books. The group is limited to 10 people, so please call to sign up.
eBay May 18, 20 at 1:00 PM eBay is the largest and most active auction site on the Internet. This class will help you navigate your way through the ins and outs of eBay, whether you want to buy, sell or simply browse. You must attend the first session to continue with the second half of the class. Registration is required. Please sign up at the library or call x201.
Velya Urban-Jancz May 20 at 6:30 PM Come meet Velya Urban- Jancz, local author of “Acquiescence.” At 6:30 PM, Velya will offer a dynamic visual presentation on her historical research for the theme of the book, the not- so-good life of the colonial goodwife. Registration is requested at x201 or online. Books will be available for purchase and signing.
“Reel Justice” Film Series May 27 at 6:00 PM Our film series “Reel Justice: Great Courtroom Dramas” continues. This series, selected and hosted by Mark Hasskarl, NMPL Director, will offer a total of 10 films shown monthly on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM. This free series will also offer film notes and refreshments. Tonight’s movie is “To Kill a Mockingbird.” For the complete schedule of dates and titles, see our website.
Introduction to Genealogy May 27, 2015 at 1:00 PM Genealogy is fun and rewarding, but there is so much information on the Internet. This course is designed as an introduction to help you get organized and begin to sort through all the possibilities. You will then be able to go on to conduct your own research and make your own discoveries! Registration is requested so please sign up at the library or call x201.
Murder Mystery May 29 at 7:00 PM NMPL presents its 4th Biennial Murder Mystery Party at 7PM: ”Murder of the Mystery Detective”. See staff, Friends of the Library and patrons in a whole new way! You solve the murder of the filthy rich Sir Arthur Conan Hoyle. Sign up soon at x 201. Limited to 42 participants with 6 teams of 7 people.