Murder on the Orient Express Theme #2 Justice and Judgement
Definitions Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, religion, or equity. Judgment is the evaluation of evidence and making a decision
Explanation of the theme Justice and Judgment: How is justice juxtaposed with revenge? Juxtaposed: Place or deal with close together for contrasting effect: "black-and-white photos were juxtaposed with color images"
Questions to consider What is the significance of the number of stab wounds that Mr. Ratchett receives? Why doesn’t Ratchett serve any jail time for the murder of Daisy Armstrong? Why does Princess Dragomiroff say the “strict justice” has been done in Ratchett’s murder? Do you agree or disagree?
Questions to consider (cont.) What is the difference between justice and revenge? Which feeling motivates the tweleve passengers on the Orient Express? 5. Are the twelve passengers on the Orient Express a fair replacement for an actual jury? Why or why not?
Is this an example of justice or judgement? "We're going to take for a ride, Ratchett. Some time soon. We're going to GET you, see?" (1.6.63)
What does the number twelve allude to and therefore hints at a logical consequence of past actions? "How many wounds are there exactly?" "I make it twelve. One or two are so light as to be practically scratches. On the other hand, at least three would be capable of causing death." (1.7.70)
Why is revenge different than justice? "The question we have now to ask ourselves is this," he said. "Is this murder the work of some rival gang whom Cassetti had double-crossed in the past, or is it an act of private vengeance?" (1.8.85)
How does the language in this quote reinforce the theme of Judgment vs How does the language in this quote reinforce the theme of Judgment vs. Justice? "Excellent," said Poirot. "We can open our Court of Inquiry without more ado." (2.1.89)
How does this quote demonstrate the concept of justice instead of vengeance? "In fact, Colonel Arbuthnot, you prefer law and order to private vengeance?" "Well, you can't go about having blood feuds and stabbing each other like Corsicans or the Mafia," said the Colonel. "Say what you like, trial by jury is a sound system." (2.8.156) Write a paragraph answering the above question and using the provided quote. Remember you need a topic sentence, ICE the quote, and write a conclusion. The conclusion must reiterate (repeat but not word for word) your opinion that you presented in your topic sentence.
How is this an example of relying on Judgment? "She is cold. She has not emotions. She would not stab a man; she would sue him in the law courts." (2.12.7)
How is this metaphor is expanded to explain how judgment has replaced justice? Ratchett had escaped justice in America. There was no question as to his guilt. I visualized a self-appointed jury of twelve people who condemned him to death and were forced by exigencies of the case to be their own executioners. And immediately, on that assumption, the whole case fell into beautiful shining order." (3.9.307)
After reading the book: When it comes to justice, should it be an eye for an eye? Why was it wrong for Poirot, at the beginning of the novel, to refuse to help Ratchett solely on the basis of Ratchett’s appearance? Was Justice served when Dr. Constantine and M. Bouc made the right decision when they decided not to tell the truth to the police?