When is killing someone not murder ?
Human Development: understand some of the stages of human development from conception to birth Reflect on when does a human life begin
When does Life Start? Put the names of the stages of development in order. Fetus (=10wks) Zygote Pre-embryo Embryo Neonate (=36wks) Baby Life-size models of babies at 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 weeks after conception Human Development :
Activity Using the information on the cut up cards, add notes to your sheet. For each stage, include info about: – Size of the embryo/ foetus – Major developmental milestones (what has happened at that stage) – Any other interesting information Brain Booster: answer the questions at the bottom of your sheet.
When does life start? – Why do you think 24 weeks is the legal limit for abortion? Do you agree ? – Can you identify a point at which a human life begins to exist ? Can you identify a point at which a human person begins to exist?
What is a person ? Which one do you think is the best definition? What’s wrong with some of the others? Having physical or mental features (will, intellect) that set human beings apart from non- humans Being part of a society, as it is society which gives us rights and responsibilities Being capable of independent human living Self-awareness / consciousness of being a person & having an identity Having a spiritual nature Explain what you think a person is, making reference to three of the definitions above. How does this impact on the abortion debate ?
What happens during an abortion (not graphic) ? What happens during foetal development ? What other interesting facts about human development did you hear ? What is being aborted: a fetus or a human being ?