Current status of the recognition of the clinical / medical genetics specialty Milan Macek Department of Biology and Medical Genetics Charles University Prague and Faculty Hospital Motol, Czech Republic 6th Meeting of the European Human Genetics Societies Goteborg 2010
Joint petition of NHGS presidents / DG Internal Market Number of votes for each country in the Council Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom29 Spain and Poland27 Romania14 Netherlands13 Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary and Portugal12 Austria, Bulgaria and Sweden10 Denmark, Ireland, Lithuania, Slovakia and Finland7 Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Luxembourg and Slovenia4 Malta3 Total:345 A minimum of 255 votes out of 345 (73.9 %) is required to reach a qualified majority. In addition: a majority of member states (in some cases two thirds) must approve the decision, and any member state may ask for confirmation that the votes cast in favour represent at least 62 % of the EU’s total population
4 Cyprus UD UD Malta UD EU27 & EEA status VI/ /27 primary specialty Primary, legal dossier and duration of training Subspecialty, legal dossier and duration of training Recognition requested by NHGS, curriculum Under Development
Thank you very much for your continuous support ! Let us now use our experience to foster EU recognition of the laboratory specialty and of genetic nurses / counsellors.