High Energy Theory Group Overview and Some Recent Results Outline 1. High Energy Theory Group 2. Research Activities 3. Some Recent Results 4. Perspective (Future) William J. Marciano
1. High Energy Theory Group (FY2006) Permanent Staff (6) M. Creutz W. Kilgore W. Marciano F. Paige A. Soni (Group Leader) T.L. Trueman (Half-time) Also: S. Dawson (Physics Chair) E. Scholz (SciDAC) Research Associates C. Jackson T. Krupovnickas D. Suprun
Central Role in Physics Department High Energy Theory ATLAS DØ ILC Neutrinos MINOS, Daya Bay VLBL g μ -2 EDM Nuclear Theory D. Kharzeev et al. RIKEN/BNL Research Center Lattice Gauge Theory F. Karsch et al. Finite Temp. RHIC Polarized PP Unique Environment 2. Research Activities
Diverse Research Program Lattice Gauge Theories: Formalism and Phenomenology: M. Creutz, A. Soni (RBRC) LHC Collider Physics: W. Kilgore, F. Paige, (S. Dawson), C. Jackson, T. Krupovnickas B Physics: A. Soni, D. Suprun Perturbative QCD: W. Kilgore, (S. Dawson) Polarized Protons (QCD at RHIC): T.L. Trueman Electroweak Physics (Precision, Rare, Low Energy, Neutrinos): W. Marciano, T. Krupovnickas
3. Some Recent Results Precision Test of CKM Unitarity (Marciano and Sirlin, PRL 96, [2006]) |V ud | 2 +|V us | 2 +|V ub | 2 = Superallowed Nuclear Beta Decays ( ) Electroweak Radiative Corrections ~4% Uncertainties? Was: V ud = (2)(4) RC Now: V ud = (11)(15)(19) RC New Ingredients: Bjorken Sum Rule Analogy Large N QCD (Resonances)
Neutron DecayBjorken Sum Rule
K l Data V us = (9)(0.961/ f + (o)) Use f + (o) = 0.961(8) (Leutwyler and Roos [1984]) |V ud | 2 + |V us | 2 + |V ub | 2 = (5) V ud (4) V us (8) f + (o) Good Agreement With Unitarity Future: Lattice f + (o) Use Bj SR Data (5) V ud (4) Experiment: Nuclear Q Values (Revolution?) Other Applications: sin 2 W, Atomic Parity Violation
Muon g-2 Hadronic Vacuum Polarization e + e - + - vs. o - -T. Krupovnickas and W. Marciano Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay: Xenon vs. Germanium EXO Experiment (Enhanced or Suppressed?) -T. Krupovnickas and W. Marciano Very Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillations (BNL or FNAL- Homestake) sin 2 2 13, Matter, CP Violation, “ New Physics ” -W. Marciano and BNL Study Group Other Electroweak Research
Odderon in Polarized PP
4. Perspective (Future) BNL is: ATLAS Center, QCD Lab, Supercomputer-Lattice Remain a strong and diverse group Respond to Discoveries, Big Lattice Effort, LHC Phenomenology Hard due to dwindling resources (Aging group) 1994Now (2006)2007 Permanent Staff75 1/2 Associate Physicist 20 Assistant Physicist 001 Postdocs432 Summer Visitors, Students…Workshops. Need more Postdocs and Students