SB 1440/THE STAR (S TUDENT A CHIEVEMENT R EFORM ) ACT Senate Bill 1440 (Padilla), which was signed by the governor on September 29, 2010, requires prompt action by the California community colleges (CCCs) as it specifies the composition of these new associate degrees that will be available to students in the academic year. It also requires action by the California State University (CSU) as it prepares to accept students who complete what the bill calls “associate degrees for transfer” which are being labeled as AA-T and AS- T degrees.
Process for Constructing, Vetting, and Finalizing Transfer Model Curricula The C-ID infrastructure is being used to develop and vet the transfer model curriculum (TMC) in each of the most common transfer majors. C-ID is being used to develop “descriptors” for all the courses in the TMCs, providing assurances to students and faculty that courses offered at one institution are comparable to those elsewhere, provided they have the same C-ID number. Once a TMC has been drafted by inter-segmental discipline faculty, it is vetted on the C-ID site where feedback is posted by a wider sampling of faculty.
O NCE THE TMC HAS BEEN APPROVED T HE CO FORWARDS TMC TO CAMPUS ADMINISTRATORS AND REQUESTS DETERMINATION OF “ SIMILAR ” DEGREES OUR RESPONSE INCLUDES : a list of the baccalaureate programs at our campus offered by the department and any related disciplines -- down to the level of individual options, emphases, and concentrations for each program, an answer of "yes" or "no" to this question: Would students who finish this TMC prior to transfer be adequately prepared for upper division work in the major, so they could complete the given degree in 60 semester units (or the equivalent in quarter units)? In any cases where you answer "no," please indicate why the TMC doesn't fit with your curriculum.
E XAMPLE : E NGLISH ENGLISH TRANSFER MODEL CURRICULUM (LD) UNITS Required Core: 1 or 2 courses Option 1 : Arg Writing & Crit Thinking And Intro to Literature Option 2 : Crit Thinking Through Lit Options 1 and 2: Choose two courses List A American Lit I (3 units) American Lit II (3 units) British Lit I (3 units) British Lit II (3 units) World Lit I (3 units) World Lit II (3 units) Option 1 Core: Choose one course from List B Option 2 Core: Choose two courses from List B List B Any course from List A not used above Any English course articulated for CSU Intro Creative Writing Options 1 and 2: Choose one course from List C List C Any course from Lists A or B not used above CSU transferable ENGL course or Lit-other dept Any language course other than ENGL in GE C INTRO to Reporting and News Sacramento State English Major 45 total units (18 units must be UD) GE Area A & 2 nd semester composition Required LD Courses (9 units): Choose 3 ENGL 50A American Lit I (3 units) ENGL 50B American Lit II (3 units) ENGL 40A British Lit I (3 units) ENGL 40B British Lit II (3 units) ENGL 65 Intro to World Lit (3 units) [we articulate both WL I and II w/65] Required UD Courses (6 units) (3) ENGL 120A Adv. Composition (3) ENGL 198T Senior Seminar Additional Requirements: Hist Breadth Must take one of the following unless the student has taken ENGL 40A or 50A: ENGL 110B; 140B; 140C; 140E; 140F; 140G; 140R; 141A; 141B; 145A; 145B; 145C; 145I; 150A Electives (27-30 of which min 18 UD) Note: Residency Requirement (18 units, of which 15 must be UD) “Yes” If additional LD is needed, still can meet 60 unit “similar” degree. TMCSac State English Major
S TATUS OF TMC R EVIEWS AT S ACRAMENTO S TATE “Yes” (i.e. at least one of the concentrations or degrees can be completed in 60 units) 2/2011: Sociology, Psychology, and Communication Studies 3/2011: Mathematics 9/2011: Administration of Justice (CJ), Kinesiology, Physics, Studio Art, Art History, Theatre, Early Childhood Education, Geology, History, Business, Political Science (Government), English 3/2012: Music “No” 3/2012: Elementary Education (additional response due September 28, 2012) Under Review (due to CO by September 15; due to me by September 7) Geography and Journalism