WP4: Applications of Accelerators AccApplic Marco Cavenago (LNL), Rob Edgecock (Huddersfield & STFC) Alessandra Lombardi (CERN) Hywel Owen (Manchester) Marco Schippers (PSI) Accelerator applications WP structure Aims and objectives Kick-off meeting: 08:30 Friday 14 th, Council Chamber; all welcome Next steps EuCARD-2 is co-funded by the partners and the European Commission under Capacities 7th Framework Programme, Grant Agreement
Applications >30000 accelerators already in use around the World Annual sales: >$3.5B Annual product, etc, sales: >$0.5T Many existing applications or under development See, for example, “Accelerators for America’s Future” Ken Peach’s talk from Tuesday
Applications AreaApplicationBeamEnergyNumber HealthcareRadiotherapy for cancerX-ray Proton Carbon Neutron <20 MeV 250 MeV 4800 MeV keV > UD PET isotopes and radioactive tracersProton<100 MeV>200 Energy productionSafer reactors & waste transmutationProton~1 GeVUD FusionIonsVariousUD EnvironmentPollutants from chimneysElectrons0.8 MeVUD Water treatmentElectrons5 MeV IndustrialCross-linking materials Medical sterilization Bio-fuels from non-edible starch Electron <10 MeV 1 MeV 1700 Ion implantationIons0.5 MeV10000 Elemental analysisIons~1 MeV100 SecurityCargo screeningNeutrons<10 MeVUD Protons< 10 GeVUD X-raysMeVUD Muons~1 GeVUD Neutron spallationMaterials through interactions with nucleiProtons<2 GeV5 Light sourcesMaterials through electron interactionsElectronsFew GeV60
Structure Based on technology, rather than applications 5 tasks: Task numberTaskCoordinatorInstitute 1Coordination and communicationR.EdgecockHUD 2Low energy accelerators Marco CavenagoINFN Legnaro 3Intermediate energy proton and ion accelerators Marco SchippersPSI 4High power proton and ion acceleratorsAlessandra LombardiCERN 5High power targetsHywel OwenUMAN Partners, so far: - 42 (10 in EuCARD2, 32 not) - 10 “users” (industry, hospital, etc) More welcome: specific users invited to workshops, etc
Objectives Task 1: Coordination - coordinate, monitor progress, manage budget & obligations Task 2: Low energy accelerators - Catalogue existing applications and technologies - Select applications to focus on - Study use of RI technology - Identify new applications Task 3: Intermediate energy proton and ion accelerators - Applications of proton and ion accelerators 10 MeV to 1 GeV - Select and study use of RI technology - Study new applications Task 4: High beam power proton and ion accelerators - Requirements for, mainly, ADS - Study use of RI technology Task 5: High beam power targets - Catalogue target requirements for above and others - Study how requirements can be met - List required R&D to verify requirements can be met
Objectives First step: review of state of the art – just starting Second step: selection of applications to focus on - only those where we can have an impact Third step - further study: - topical workshops - meetings, etc Third step’ – look at new applications Focus on complete accelerators Outputs: - “Accelerators for Europe’s Future”? - Collaborations for further work - H2020 proposals - Improved or new applications We welcome all input to this work Summary:
Kick-off Meeting Tomorrow (Friday 14 th June) at 08:30 in Council Chamber – all welcome 08:30Introduction to WP4Rob Edgecock 08:35MedicalUsing CERN technology for medical applicationsSteve Myers 09:00Introduction to medical applicationsHywel Owen 09:10An FFAG accelerator for applicationsCarol Johnstone 09:40BNCT and other studies at SOREQIdo Silverman 10:10MUNESAndrea Pisent 11:00IndustrialIntroduction to industrial applicationsMarco Cavenago 11:10Electron beams for treating flue gasesZbigniew Zimek 11:40The VELA acceleratorKatharine Robertson 13:10EnergyIntroduction to energy applicationsAlessandra Lombardi 13:20Accelerator Driven SystemsHywel Owen 13:45High power cyclotronsMario Maggiore 14:05Advanced nuclear materials under ion irradiationTimur Kulevoi 14:25The FAFNIR projectTristan Davenne
Applications AreaApplicationBeamEnergyNumber HealthcareRadiotherapy for cancerX-ray Proton Carbon Neutron <20 MeV 250 MeV 4800 MeV keV > UD PET isotopes and radioactive tracersProton<100 MeV>200 Energy productionSafer reactors & waste transmutationProton~1 GeVUD FusionIons4 GeVUD EnvironmentPollutants from chimneysElectrons0.8 MeVUD Water treatmentElectrons5 MeV IndustrialCross-linking materials Medical sterilization Bio-fuels from non-edible starch Electron <10 MeV 1 MeV 1700 Ion implantationIons0.5 MeV10000 Elemental analysisIons~1 MeV100 SecurityCargo screeningNeutrons<10 MeVUD Protons< 10 GeVUD X-raysMeVUD Muons~1 GeVUD
Output from meeting & next steps First list of workshops, e.g. - Boron Neutron Capture Therapy - Radioisotope production, esp. 99m Tc - ADS - Flue gas and water treatment - Target cooling - etc Updated partners list Website Mailing lists
Conclusions Accelerator Applications Network: - new to EuCARD2 - coordinators are new to Networks Building on a lot of work already done Main aim: use RI technology to improve some applications Via topical workshops, meetings, etc Kick-off meeting tomorrow - all welcome If you’re interested: - speak to one of us -