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APA Tip of the Day: Type Style “The preferred typeface for APA publications in Times New Roman, with 12-point font size. A serif typeface, ‘with short lines projecting from the top or the bottom of a mainstroke of a letter’ (Chicago Manual of Style, 2003, p. 837), is preferred for text because it improves readability and reduces eye fatigue” (APA, 2010, pp ).

APA Example Serif Type Style examples: Times New Roman Courier Sans Serif Type Style examples: Arial Century Gothic

Announcements 1.Look over the upcoming assignments to see how you can make the homework most effective for your upcoming work in this class. 2.The plagiarism certificate is due next week. It must be turned in by the deadline to stay in the course. 3.All class participants must have a current background check on file – it is a COE requirement for classes with field-based assignments. Go to the UNM Field Services Office to get the paperwork.

Quick questions or quandaries?

January 26, 2015 CURRICULUM DESIGN– UD AND SPECIAL EDUCATION Today’s Readings: Orkwis & McLane (1998); Acrey, Johnstone, & Milligan (2005); Hill & de Valenzuela (2004)

“Universal design is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.” –Ron Mace (NC State University, The Center for Universal Design, 1997,

“The intent of universal design is to simplify life for everyone by making products, communications, and the built environment more usable by as many people as possible at little or no extra cost. Universal design benefits people of all ages and abilities.” (NC State University, The Center for Universal Design, 1997,

7 Principles of Universal Design: 1.Equitable Use 2.Flexibility in Use 3.Simple and Intuitive Use 4.Perceptible Information 5.Tolerance for Error 6.Low Physical Effort 7.Size and Space for Approach and Use

Whole Group Discussion: 1.What does Universal Design have to do with teaching? 2.How is UD, as originally developed for architecture and design, different from educational applications?

“The principles of universal design place responsibility for making curricula, materials, and environments accessible to and usable by all students upon the teacher and the school. As educators, we need to consider ways to make education more convenient for time- pressed students, more comfortable for people from diverse backgrounds, and more flexible for persons having different learning styles.” (Bowe, as cited in Universal Design Education Online, ,.

Universal Design in Teaching: Present information in multiple ways. Offer multiple ways for students to interact with and respond to curricula and materials. Provide multiple ways for students to find meaning in the material and thus motivate themselves. Make good use of personal and course Web pages. (Bowe, as cited in Universal Design Education Online, ,

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

UDL shifts old assumptions about teaching and learning in four fundamental ways.

Shifting Assumptions: 1.Students with disabilities fall along a continuum of learner differences rather than constituting a separate category.

Shifting Assumptions: 2.Teacher adjustments for learner differences should occur for all students, not just those with disabilities.

Shifting Assumptions: 3.Curriculum materials should be varied and diverse including digital and online resources, rather than centering on a single textbook.

Shifting Assumptions: 4.Instead of remediating students so that they can learn from a set curriculum, curriculum should be made flexible to accommodate learner differences.

“The central practical premise of UDL is that a curriculum should include alternatives to make it accessible and appropriate for individuals with different backgrounds, learning styles, abilities, and disabilities in widely varied learning contexts. The "universal" in universal design does not imply one optimal solution for everyone. Rather, it reflects an awareness of the unique nature of each learner and the need to accommodate differences, creating learning experiences that suit the learner and maximize his or her ability to progress.” (CAST, 2003,

UD and Educational Equity “Implementation of UID [Universal Instructional Design] eliminates the need to qualify as a member of a protected class to get accommodations and thus avoids the question of legal definitions of who is and is not deserving of accommodations. UID thus has significant implications for eliminating notions of merit, and focuses rightfully on fulfilling the institution’s commitment to offering equitable learning opportunities for all students.” (Hackman & Rauscher, 2004, p. 119)

Topic: Curriculumde sign – backward design and differentation/UDL Read: Wiggions & McTighe (2005) chapter 1 and CAST (2011) – bring a copy to class. Looking ahead …

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