Why Open Source Portfolio (OSP) in Sakai Works For Us Nancy O’Laughlin, Marc Zaldivar, Teggin Summers,
During session presenters will … Share their perspectives on why Open Source Portfolio (OSP) in Sakai works for them. Describe the implementation and management decisions made for their own institutions. Share the features within OSP that enable them to meet course, program or institutional needs. Critically reflect on those decisions and features summarizing their current situation and plans for the future.
Tool namePurpose Matrices Evaluations Forms Portfolio Portfolio templates Glossary Provides structure, guidance Views outstanding evaluations of students matrices Collect structured data Create a personal portfolio Guided presentation portfolio provides definitions for row and column names in matrices Portfolio tools in Sakai
Why we chose Sakai at UD Information Technologies had prior experience with Open Source software Interest in e-portfolios, led to an early installation of Sakai for OSP tools UD adopted Sakai in 2008 as its LMS – Course sites – primary focus of use – set of tools matched our current needs – Project sites – provide an online working environment for groups – Portfolio sites – interest increasing on campus, continue pilots
Portfolios at UD Programmatic portfolio (TLA portfolio) – Faculty driven – Program level – Connected to student program learning goals & General Education goals – Reflective Presentation portfolio (piloting) E-PORTFOLIOS
How we use Sakai for programmatic portfolios Matrices tool – Gather student data Submitted artifacts Self assessment Responses to reflective prompts – Provide feedback Instructor Peer – Provide evaluation Instructor Peer External
Process: Matrix Building Workflow (outside Sakai) 7 CFEE*Design *Center for Educational Effectiveness
Matrix Building Workflow (inside Sakai) 8 IT CS&S*Development *Information Technologies, Client Support & Services
Sample matrix/portfolio in Sakai Presentation portfolio is one artifact in the programmatic portfolio
Presentation portfolios Piloting OSP Sakai (using matrices, portfolio tools) Google Apps (Google Sites) Dreamweaver Other Considerations Access after graduation Sharing URL Download and save Ease of use Technical background of student/faculty
Learned to date Takes time Complexity of e-portfolio, – One model does not fit all Need for faculty development Technology – Common advantages/challenges – What goes in, must come out – reporting “My teaching is improving with every session!”
Why we chose Sakai at VT Our Sr. Dir. of Strategy and Planning was on the founding board of Open Source Portfolio, which was subsumed by Sakai. When VT made the decision to leave Bb, Sakai was compelling because of its incorporation of other activities in addition to classroom management capabilities, i.e., project sites and OSP tools. 12
…why we chose Sakai Knowing that our university was facing SACS accreditation, we emphasized the OSP tools for assessment needs We also have a Dean and VP of Undergraduate Education who is a big proponent of ePortolios, and the Sakai eP tools made the most sense for university- wide deployment of ePs (with tools built right into the university CLE). 13
Biggest Advantage to Using Sakai 14
Example:learning, assessment, and prof. dev. 15 Kelly Anne Stahl
Example: feedback and assessment 16
Advantages to using Sakai Tools built into CLE/OAE – Systems and Development teams are able to provide support and infrastructure Tools are robust/diverse – Matrix and template tools span the spectrum of needs and functionality Rigorous Private/Share capability Balance between templates & student creativity 17
…advantages to using Sakai Assessment, assessment, assessment – Specific tools for assessment – Student still owns the content, but administrators are able to save data for assessment purposes Provide scaffolded learning environment Embed reflection forms and offer places for reflective activities 18
Challenges to using Sakai Not always intuitive Two tools (matrix and template) can be confusing to people (nomenclature) Lots of clicks needed Multiple databases can slow things down Permissions can present sharing problems 19
…challenges to using Sakai Portability Easy to get data in, difficult to get data out Scale up Not easy for faculty to do development on their own 20
Discussion What are your technology challenges implementing eportfolios? What support challenges do you face? Are there policies you need to develop? – How long to keep data? – Who needs access? – Training?
Questions? Nancy O’Laughlin, Marc Zaldivar, Teggin Summers,