August, 2012
General IntroductionR&D Activities CONTENTS Major R&D Activities International Cooperation
I. General Introduction - Location - Mission - History - Organization - Personnel - Budget
4 KIMS Location Seoul Busan Changwon KIMS Tokyo Beijing
5 R&D Technology Support Test & Evaluation Metals Ceramics Composites Surface Technology Property Test Failure Analysis Nuclear Inspection Standardization Metals Bank Training Test-Bed 70%20% 10 % Industrial Support Mission: Function & Role
6 History ’81.1 ’02.3 ’07.4 ’92.3 ’93.4 ’76.12
7 Organization Wind Turbine Technology Center
8 Personnel Permanent workers only No. of Ph.D. holders : 141
9 Budget Government Grant (41%) Personnel Expenses (24%) Others (59%) Direct Research Fee (62%) IncomeOutcome Operating, etc. (14%)
Ⅱ. R&D Activities - Metals - Ceramics / Powder - Surface / Composites /Deformation
11 Ferrous Alloys High Temperature Alloys Light Alloys Special Alloys ∙ High strength steels for automotive ∙ Corrosion resistant stainless steels ∙ Alloy design for special steels ∙ Superalloys for gas turbine ∙ Directional solidification technology ∙ Single crystal blade ∙ Magnesium alloys (cast & wrought) ∙ Aluminum alloys (high strength & high temperature) ∙ Titanium alloys: design & forming ∙ Nickel alloys: microstructure control ∙ Copper alloys: high strength / high conductivity R&D
12 Structural Ceramics Functional Ceramics Structural & Functional Metallic Powder ∙ Multi-porous ceramics (100 µm↓ ) ∙ High purity SiC for IT ∙ Si 3 N 4 Honeycomb filter ∙ Aerosol deposition technology ∙ RT Ceramic coating ∙ Bio-ceramics ∙ Powder fabrication and synthesis ∙ Nano size metallic & composite powder ∙ WC-Co alloys for tools R&D
13 Electrochemistry & Thin Film Composite Materials Deformation Control ∙ Nano-plating technology for energy conversion ∙ Environmental friendly surface finishing ∙ Transparent conductive coating for opto-electric application (eg. flexible display) ∙ Composite materials design & processing ∙ Wind turbine blade ∙ Functional composites ∙ Numerical analysis for process design ∙ Precision forging technology ∙ Innovative new material forming technology R&D
14 Test & Evaluation Post-R&D Database Scale-up Authorized Inspection R&D Business Materials Characterization Metallic Materials Test-bed Materials Problem Solving Authorized Nuclear Inspection Test & Evaluation / Technical Support
15 1,236 1, Oversea 35 Oversea I.F 1.63 I.F 2.09 참고 ) CAGR(’07-’11) : 연구비 9.23% / 인력인력 2.02% R&D RESULTS 209 I.F I.F Oversea 24 1,491
Ⅲ. International Cooperation - Global Partners - Global Research Collaboration
Institute of Metal Research(IMR) General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals (GRINM) National Institute for Materials Science(NIMS) 17 Boeing Company General Motors (GM) Bourns College of Engineering, U.C. Riverside Purdue University Center for Composite Materials, UD Advanced Materials and Processing Institute (Fraunhofer IFAM) Helmholtz –Zentrum Geesthacht Center for Materials and Coastal Research Wollogong University Jozef Stefan Institute(JSI) The National University of Science and Technology(MISIS) Tomsk Polytechnic University The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine(PWI) Postgraduate Institute of Science and Technology(PGIS) Institute of Materials Science(IMS) Industrial Technology Development Institute(ITDI) Metal Industry Development Center(MIDC) Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research(TISTR) Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia(SIRIM) GLOBAL PARTNERS Technical Standards and Safety Authority(TSSA) Rolls Royce, Plc. Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics
18 Collaborative Research Projects (2010~) ※ 23 PROJECTS IN TOTAL No. of Foreign Researchers at KIMS GLOBAL RESEARCH COLLABORATION ※ 20 PERSONS IN TOTAL ※ About 10% of Total Projects( ≒ 200) in the KIMS are international research collaboration