1 LEARN Digital Literacy Project Initial Meeting Held at Gawler TAFE Campus Wednesday 5 th August 2009
2 Present: Committee: John Nebauer(Chair),Vicki Lovegrove,Hanah Garoufalis,Helen Clark( Minutes) Visitors: Annette Dornin, Merridy Rady Apologies: Anne Smart THE DIGITAL LITERACY PROJECT 1. What is digital literacy? 2. Identify what it is we currently do in the library – from formal Information Literacy sessions to informal support to staff and students. 3. From these findings develop a consistency across all libraries. 4. Look at what computer skills library staff need. 5. How do we improve these? 6. Deliver online sessions –use You Tube and other visuals. 7. Develop better mechanisms for sharing across libraries.
3 The Berri Experience 1. Berri working on MOODLE specifically for remote library orientations 2. Want to hook it into digital storyboard 3. Found can’t customize MOODLE – found not as flexible as the library would like. 4. Berri looks after 3 campuses-want to get to the workplace delivery students 5. Most lecturers at Berri use Moodle rather than Janison – however some use both. 6. Stand alone library Moodles need to be linked to lecturer Moodles. 7. Renmark teaching staff are enthusiastic about librarian assisting with teaching of research skills to students.
4 This project and ICT 1. It was decided that it would be very useful to have an ICT representative on this committee. 2. John to negotiate.
5 Questions raised in general discussion 1. Could libraries offer a low level Digital Literacy module for students returning to study and lacking skills & confidence? 2. Do we get clarification from programs with what they want libraries to offer, or do we say this is what libraries can offer in digital literacy? 3. What will our roles be going forward, in library services? As libraries become more automated, do some staff take on more student services support roles? 4. How can we best liaise with Student Services staff and Teaching & Learning staff? 5. How will lecturing staff cope with WEB 2.0 and digital literacy push? Will they have the time ?
6 Working with teaching staff 1. Libraries will need to develop networks with programs. We need to discover what it is they want from libraries. Annette stated that program EMs have been asked via questionnaire what they want libraries to do. What skills do they want their staff to have and what skills would they like the libraries to share with their staff. 2. Must be acknowledged that not all programs can be successful by being ‘self-paced’ and “on-line”
7 Generation Y students 1. Our Gen Y committee member felt that Library orientations on You Tube would engage students. 2. We discussed whether students would go to Teacher Tube, even if required by program needs. 3. Gen Y students like the visual approach, not words. For example, Adelaide University site have promos and marketing tools to attract student interest- i.e. video interviews with ex-students speaking about their courses. 4. For Gen Y the information has to ‘find them’.
8 Task 1 Identify the different digital literacy skills library staff currently teach in Information Literacy sessions. Identify digital literacy skill areas library staff are not confident in using. 1. John will put a Wiki together (Wiki Spaces); set up a matrix, provide all committee members with a log-in. 2. Committee members to their Institute library staff explaining the committee tasks and requesting information for data collection on- – What digital literacy skills are taught in a formal way to TAFE students and staff. – What digital literacy skills are taught in an informal way to TAFE students and staff. – Identify any skills areas not confident in understanding, using and teaching to TAFE students and staff. – Committee will phone library staff to gather more information. 3. Data to be collected by 21 st August 4. Data from each Institute to be compiled by 28 th August and on Wiki
9 More ponderings Identify programs that are already out there – don’t need to create everything. We need to feed into whatever platforms lecturers are already using. Bring experts in when required during committee meetings. We could focus on LEARN meetings to improve skills via workshops etc. Project has a finishing date of end of 2009.Is this possible?
10 Next Meeting Via Video Conference link Wednesday 2 nd. September 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm Pt. Adelaide Channel M Adelaide Channel M Berri Channel M Gawler Channel E