Hot Milo0.90 Cheesie0.80 Spagetti Cheesie 0.90 Surprise of the day0.80 Apple slinky0.80 Anzac Cookies 0.80 RECESS Quelch icy stick - half 0.40 Quelch icy stick0.80 Billabong, chocolate1.20 Light Ice Cream bucket1.20 Yowie Chocolate1.20 ICE CREAMS (lunch only) Summit Spring Water 1.30 Berri 100% Juice1.60 (assorted) HiLo Milk1.10 Just Juice Box1.20 Flavoured Milk 1.50 (choc, strawberry, banana, spearmint) DRINKS Popcorn1.20 Yoghurt (berry, apricot)1.30 Fruit Leather (100% fruit)0.50 Seasonal Fruit (from) 0.70 Frozen Fruit Pieces0.20 Sultana Box 0.90 RECESS & LUNCH DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS MONDAY Party Pie0.90 Sausage Roll1.80 Meat Pie2.30 Tomato Sauce0.30 Hot Dog with sauce2.40 WEDNESDAY Mini Pizza2.30 (ham/pineapple or cheese/bacon) FRIDAY Macaroni Cheese 3.20 Lasagne 3.20 Corn Cobbette0.90 Roasted Chicken Drumstick2.00 Hamburger with sauce2.50 Hamburger with salad3.20 Beach burger (Chicken)3.40 Chilli Chicken Sub3.00 Hot Chicken Roll with Mayo3.00 Cottage Pie – Potato & Beef New! 3.50 TUMMY FILLERS! CBPS CANTEEN WINTER MENU TERM TERM CANTEEN OPEN: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY LUNCHES Sushi, 5 pieces3.80 (chicken, tuna or vegetarian) Munch & Crunch Bag2.50 (cheese, carrot, celery, fruit, crackers, sultanas) Salad Plate3.00 (lettuce, tomato, celery, cucumber, capsicum, carrots, sprouts, fruit) Dip & Vegie Sticks2.20 (hommus with carrot, celery, capsicum) HEALTHY & FRESH! HEALTHY & FRESH EXTRAS Ham, cheese, tuna, egg 0.80 Chicken 1.50 SANDWICHES ETC. Vegemite Cheese Egg (plain or curried) Ham Tuna Chicken Salad** Hommus Butter Sandwich*Pita Bread, Roll or Tortilla Toasting0.40Tomato0.40 Cheese0.80Salad0.80 Beetroot0.60Pineapple0.60 Lettuce0.30Mayo0.30 Avocado0.90 Hommus 1.00 SANDWICH EXTRAS * Sandwich and rolls are wholemeal ** Salad – lettuce, tomato, carrot & cucumber **Lunch Order Bags 15 for $1** SOUP OF THE DAY SPECIAL (Check out newsletter for availability) Homemade soup, cup 1.80 Soup with roll 2.50
HEALTY FOOD AND DRINK CHOICES IN SCHOOLS In December 2006 the State Government announced a policy and standards for healthy food and drinks provided in WA public school canteens and all schools must now comply. Our canteen uses “Star Choice” registered products which are generally lower in fat, sugar and salt (and higher in fibre and calcium where relevant) than other products of that food type available in the market. To encourage and promote children to make healthier choices some foods are only offered one day a week. Mondays: Pastries and Hot Dog Wednesdays: Pizzas Fridays: Pastas The ‘Surprise of the Day’ can be included on our menu by serving only home made muffins, cookies, cup cakes and large cakes if they have no icing on top. Home made goodies MUST NOT contain any peanuts, tree nuts or peanut oil. FRIENDLY REMINDERS Lunch orders are to be written on lunch order bags which can be purchased from the canteen (15 for $1.00). Lunch orders are to be placed in lunch baskets located in each classroom as soon as children get to school. Please do not order recess items in lunch order bags – children must come to canteen at recess to buy items. ROSTERS Do you have a free morning once or twice a term? Please consider volunteering to help out in the canteen. There are two time slots open each day the canteen is open (9-11am and 9-1pm). The tasks are not hard, the conversation pleasant, and the kids love seeing Mum, Dad, Nanny etc. at recess and lunch times. Please fill in a Canteen Help form and leave it in the front office or go into the canteen and let Julie Southgate (Canteen Manager) know if you are able to help out to enable the canteen to continue to provide for our children.