What would it mean in your life if God dealt with you bountifully?
What would it mean in your life if God dealt with you bountifully? Most of us would think of being blessed with material blessings, loving families and good health.
What would it mean in your life if God dealt with you bountifully? To the Psalmist it meant that the Lord had saved him and upheld him in life. “O my soul…the LORD has dealt bountifully with you. For You have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.” (Psalm 116:7-8)
What would it mean in your life if God dealt with you bountifully? To the Psalmist it meant that he could live to sing God’s praise. “I will sing to the LORD, Because He has dealt bountifully with me.” (Psalm 13:6)
To the Psalmist it meant that he could live to fulfill his yearning for learning and obeying God’s word! “Deal bountifully with your servant, that I may live and keep your word. Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law. I am a sojourner on the earth; hide not your commandments from me! My soul is consumed with longing for your rules at all times” (Ps. 119:17-20)
May the Lord deal bountifully with us today… …that we may live to keep His word. …that our eyes may be opened to see wondrous things from His law. …that we may be consumed with longing for His rules.