1 Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee Astrophysics Division FY2008 Budget February 8, 2007 Rick Howard Astrophysics Division Director (acting) Science Mission Directorate NASA Headquarters
2 Astrophysics Division Developmental Missions Status
3 Astrophysics Division Operating Missions Status
5 Astrophysics Division Budget (Proposed FY08 President’s Budget vs FY07 President’s Budget) What’s Changed: SOFIA mission reinstated with ~2010 Initial Operations Capability (IOC) and ~2013 Full Operations Capability (FOC). Navigator Program re-focused; funds core interferometry, related planet-finding science, and project risk reduction efforts via remaining SIM funding, limited TPF funding, and ground-based projects (Keck and LBTI). Reserves added to JWST in 2008 and Budget for HST supports May 2008 SM4: working to identify additional funding to support September 2008 Shuttle manifest. Funds Kepler (LRD NET November 2008) and GLAST (LRD NET November 2007) replans due to cost growth, schedule slip. WISE entered development in October 2006 (LRD NET November 2009). New “Future Missions” wedge added to be available for the highest priority Decadal Survey mission(s). Beyond Einstein Program Assessment Committee (BEPAC) formed to determine which mission (LISA, Con-X, JDEM, Inflation Probe or Black Hole Finder) will be selected to proceed first; results available ~ September Herschel and Planck launch delayed until NET July What’s Stayed the Same: All operating missions continue to produce science results. Maintains FY07 R&A funding levels.
6 Astrophysics Missions
7 Astrophysics: Content of FY08 Budget
8 FY 2008 President’s Budget (Astrophysics Budget Changes)
9 Astrophysics Division Budget Problems and Issues Budget problems and issues that must be dealt with during this summer’s budget process: – Resolving impacts of 2007 budget (full year CR). – Additional funding to support Sept 2008 HST SM4 (4 month slip). – Any launch slip to GLAST (schedule tight and range conflicts). – Additional cost growth in Kepler? – Any adjustments in balance within Navigator Program. – Direction of Balloon Program (ULDB future). – Strategy for Astrophysics Future Missions line.
10 Backup
12 The Astrophysics: Content of FY07 Budget * Future Explorer Budget is in Heliophysics Division budget
13 FY 2007 President’s Budget (Astrophysics Budget Changes)
14 Astrophysics Division Budget Problems and Issues (status as of 5/06) Budget problems and issues that must be dealt with during summer 2006 budget formulation: Additional funding in slip of HST SM-4 launch date beyond 12/07. Level of near term contingency for JWST. Funds required for SOFIA that support final decision on path forward. Additional funds to cover expected GLAST replan. Potential cost growth in Kepler. Decision on future of WISE. Restoration (full or partial) of cut to R&A program. Adjustments to mix within Navigator program (TPF issue). Direction within balloon program on future plan for ULDBs.
15 Astrophysics Division Budget Problems and Issues (status as of 1/07) Budget problems and issues that must be dealt with during summer 2006 budget formulation: –Additional funding in slip of HST SM-4 launch date beyond 12/07. –Level of near term contingency for JWST. –Funds required for SOFIA that support final decision on path forward. –Additional funds to cover expected GLAST replan. –Potential cost growth in Kepler. –Decision on future of WISE. –Restoration (full or partial) of cut to R&A program. –Adjustments to mix within Navigator program (TPF issue). –Direction within balloon program on future plan for ULDBs.