This project has involved four European countries : Italy, Bulgaria, Poland, France, Latvia with the following schools: Italy : Istituto tecnico commerciale “A. Gramsci” - Tortolì Bulgaria :Secondary school “ Ivan Vazov” Stara Zagora Poland :Zespol Szkol Ponadgimnazjalnych w Wodzislawiu Slaskim - Wodizslaw Slaski France : Ensemble Scolaire Immaculee Jean Paul II, St Gregoire Latvia : Lejasciema Vidusskola - Gulbene Multilateral Partnership ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS
The main objectives of the partnership are: - to promote sustainable environment initiatives - to make young people aware of their influence on the environment - to make a research on young people's attitude towards environmental issues - to measure young people's involvement in environmental campaigns - to make pupils aware of the possibilities they have. Each participant is going to focus on a different issue as follows: - Poland: air pollution and renewable sources of energy - Latvia: carbon dioxide emission - Italy: recycling at school - France: deforestation and its impact on global warming and the greenhouse effect - Bulgaria: factory fumes. The project logo was designed by Murgia Giada ITALY
Poland - the participants live in an industrial region, where the environment is heavily polluted due to coalmining and where there is an urgent need to discuss environmental issues. Apart from that due to low incomes and high unemployment rates, a great number of local people search for a better future abroad, which results in an increasing amount of broken families and single-parent families. Zespol Szkol Ponadgimnazjalnych has bilingual classes where compulsory subjects such as geography, mathematics, social studies are taught in English. There is a group of 15 pupils who attend an integrated class (some pupils are with disabilities), and it is planned that they will be involved in the project activities.
Bulgaria – Our town Stara Zagora is situated near the Power Station “Maritsa Iztok” that is the main polluter of the area. The school is near the the industrial area. There are lots of factories which pollute the air and cause many diseases. There is also an integrates education in our school – students of national minority (Gipsy, Turkish) and we are going to involve them in the project activities. They live in bad conditions; their parents have problems with finding job. This cooperation with European countries can help us to improve student’s education about environment. Our town is situated in an important agricultural area with production of cereals, fruits and vegetable –
Latvia - the project participant from Latvia live in an industrial region, where the amount of economically active people rapidly decreases and unemployment rates increase. Many people go to economically active areas. A low level of environmental education for people allows them to pollute the nearest nature and they do not understand the impact of pollution on the environment. Through the campains of that project with active participation of school students to educate people and by showing and making different activities to rise environmental awareness and gain the purposes of that project, people’s attitude to these very important issues shall be changed.
France - school is in St Gregoire, which is 5 kilometres from Rennes, Brittany’s capital city. It’s a brand new high school and for the moment there are 325 students (vocational and comprehensive high school). We have a Junior high school as well with 790 students.
Italy – our school is in one of the smallest and a newly born province of Sardinia, with a low density of population that is mostly settled along the coast. From an environmental point of view it’s a very beautiful area, wild and attractive and we need to preserve it as it is. So we think that it’s our duty as teachers to make our student consider the importance of the environmental protection in order to play a leading role in it. In order to do that, we aim to focus on two aspects we consider particularly important: how to save our beaches from rubbish wastes that, especially in the summer, spoil them; and with a special eye to our school we want to start a differentiated waste collection. In fact, while people in our place have started it a few years ago, in our school we don’t recycle yet. So we want our students to start it off.
Topics dealt by each country Poland has dealt with air pollution and renewable sources of energy France has dealt with the issue of global warming and the greenhouse effect. Latvia has dealt with CO2 emission as well as its impact on the environment. Italy has studied the effects of rubbish waste on the environment and the necessity of sorting outdomestic waste. Bulgaria has dealt with factory fumes and their impact on the environment
The first stage of the project took place in Wodzisław Śląski (Poland). where all the partners met. From Italy six students went to Poland: Giada Murgia (3^b),Francesca Murru (3^b), Lisa Tuveri (4^a), Aida Piroddi (4^a), Francesco Bovi (4^b), Rocco Cerina (4^b), and 2 teachers :Oliva I. and Pala P.and the secretary Pintore P. Here they met other students and worked with them on the project topic,