Information session College of Education What to expect…… & What is expected…
General Information Professional Teaching Qualifications. DHET Formal qualifications registered with DHET. Professional Teaching qualifications Main stream teaching or Adult learning (ABET) DHET Department of Higher Education and Training – Not part of UNISA, but governing body on accreditation on qualifications for employment into teaching fields in South Africa.
General Information continues….. Implication of incorrect actions. - Professional qualifications. With specific admission and subject requirements. Incorrect info / registration could result in: a). Student won’t graduate with correct qualification. b). Job loss due to wrong qualification or non compliance of admission and/or registration requirements. c). Law suites d). Bad publicity e). Financial implications for UNISA and the student f). Unhappy student/client
Qualifications Structure (NQF) Professional Teacher OR Hons BED M+4 ACE M+3 – 3 Yr. teaching qualif. Upgrade Upgrade Hons BED M+4 4 Yr. BEd Upgrade Hons BED M+4 PGCE NQF 6 – 3 Yr. NON-teaching qualif. (Bcom, BA, Ndipl) Obtain professional status Upgrade
General Information continues…. NEW Applications Postgraduate Education students (new or returning students) are dealt with by the College. When (PGCE, ACE, Hons BEd or PDTE) application students enquire regarding why their applications are not finalised the enquiries must be forwarded to your Licensee Admin staff using e-mail , indicating the student number + “COMPLETE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS” under the heading. Undergraduate Applications are dealt with by Applications office. If a student wishes to switch between two qualifications / specialisations they need to first apply.
Statutory Admission vs College Requirements All undergraduate qualifications have TWO admission criteria that must be adhered to: NSC certificate with admission to degree studies Senior Certificate with Endorsement Senior Certificate + Condition Exemption (+23) Senior Certificate + completed ACCESS NSC with Certificate or Diploma admission + HCABET (NQF5, 120 credits) etc…… In the College of Education it is a requirement that students should have passed English or Afrikaans on matric level with specific grades (example: NSC ENG1 50% Language requirement. (Full list P36, My Choice brochure 2014) Students who have not met the language requirement, must first offer and pass prescribed 4 modules under the Alternative pathways program, before they may start with their qualification. 1. Statutory Admission 2. College requirements
Qualifications offered in the College ABET (Non – Main stream teaching qualification) HCABET = 120 credit NQF5 NSC (Cert or Dipl) – HCABET = Admission to BEd Degree (No M30 needed) Diploma in Youth Development (Non professional teaching qualification) Postgraduate Diploma in Tertiary Education (Non professional teaching qualification.) Higher Certificate in ABET (OLD/NEW) Higher Diploma in ABET (OLD/NEW)
Qualifications offered in the College…continue BEd (Professional 4 year Teaching qualification) PGCE (Professional teaching qualification) Early Childhood Development: Foundation Phase (R-3). Intermediate Phase (4-6) Senior Phase & Further Education & Training (7-12) Foundation Phase (R-3). Intermediate and Senior Phase (4-9) Senior Phase & Further Education & Training (7-12)
Qualifications offered in the College…continue ACE (Advanced Certificate in Education) Upgrading/ re-skilling (Min requirement: Matric + 3 year professional teaching qualif. English Education Educational Leadership Mathematics (Intermediate Phase) Life Orientation Inclusive Education Computer Integrated Education Technology Education Natural Sciences Education Foreign Teachers Diplomas = Not recognised for employment as a teacher in South Africa and does not give admission towards any of the ACE qualifications.
Qualifications offered in the College continue.. Hons BEd General Adult Basic Education Early Childhood Development Educational Management Environmental Education Inclusive Education Natural Sciences Education Mathematics Education School Guidance & Counselling
Qualifications offered in the College continue…… HONS BEd… Students who have completed a BEd Hons at UNISA and wishes to offer a 2nd BEd Hons may apply for admission and if admission is approved they may be granted credit for the three generic modules they have passed already and they must offer the two specialisation modules under the new BEd Hons. Applicable as from 2014. Students who have completed a Higher Diploma in Adult Basic Education as well as an ACE may register for Hons BEd in Adult Basic Education- ONLY Students with a non teaching B – degree must also be in procession of a PTD or PGCE . B-degree with only a PTC is not acceptable for registration – these students must 1st complete an ACE. Students with Foreign Teachers Diplomas and an ACE may not be admitted to BEd Hons.
Qualifications offered in the College continue…… Proposed changes for the Hons BEd with specialization in School Guidance and Counselling: Selection process has been suspended Psychology 3 no longer a requirement. Apply the normal admission requirement as for Hons BEd All indications are at this stage that the professional standing of the Med has been suspended – please communicate this in your consultations with students.
PGCE Students who applied for PGCE will be allowed to offered any outstanding requirements with the PGCE for NDP as long as those requirements are registered for in the 1st semester and not more than 2 modules (24 credits)– normal restrictions will apply – these students cannot apply to exceed the 120 credits per year. If a student has more than 2 modules outstanding under the admission requirements then they first have to pass the outstanding requirements for NDP and then re-apply for admission towards the PGCE. Registration staff who attended the PGCE training ONLY, may register a PGCE student. All other staff must only advise PGCE students - Correctly , but may not register any PGCE student. Remember you are still the 1st contact with student and are responsible for advising the student correctly. Ensure that you understand what the school subject requirements for the different PGCE programmes are.
The signature module for the College of Education is: Signature modules The signature module for the College of Education is: BPT1501 (Being A professional Teacher) Which modules will change to the signature module ? - ABT1514 (ABET Cert 98615) + (ABET Dipl 99001) (Phased out) Must do BPT1501 if this module has not been passed already EDB101X (BEd (SFET) 02615) (Phased out) Must do BPT1501 if this module has not been passed already ETH202P (BEd(INT) 02607) (Phased out) - HEC101V (BEd (ECD) 02593)
Signature modules…continue….. Only students who registered for the 1st time in 2013 will have to do this module for the select programmes unless the modules have been phased out. Students must have access to a computer and internet facility. All communication between the student and Lecturer will be electronic. All assessments and examination will be electronic This modules is compulsory for selected Undergraduate programmes only and replaces modules as previously indicated.
DSAR documents Only applicable to students in their Final semester of their 240/ 360 or 480 credit qualification who needs to offer 2 additional modules (24 credits) in their final semester in order to graduate at the end of that semester. PGCE, ABET Higher Certificate, ACE , HONS BEd and NDP students do not qualify for this concession. Students writing examinations during the 1st semester may only apply after the results of the 1st semester are available. Students must be requested to pay the minimum fee for additional modules BEFORE sending the form. DSAR06
DSAR documents continue…… Any student who wants their academic record or statement of results has to complete and submit the DSAR08 form. This document is needed due to the South African Consumer Protection act - regarding 3rd party information. This document is to protect UNISA. DSAR08
Questions / comments Thank You for your time.