ILO Supervisory System
Three tracks The regular supervisory system (articles 19, 22 and 35), supplemented by: The regular supervisory system (articles 19, 22 and 35), supplemented by: Constitutional complaints Constitutional complaints Freedom of Association procedures Freedom of Association procedures
Government reports Employers and workers (art. 23) Committee of Experts Conference Comittee Article 22: ratified Conventions & procedural requirements Direct requests observations
All ratified Conventions: general report every year (except shelved Conventions) 12 priority Conventions: 2-year cycle for detailed reports All other ratified Conventions: 5-year cycle for detailed reports Cycle can be altered by: workers’/employers’ comments Experts/Conference comments failure to report Supervision suspended by direct contacts
Constitutional Complaints ratified Conventions only Representations (art. 24) workers’/employers’ workers’/employers’organizations Complaints (art. 26) State or Delegate or GB Governing Body Committee of Experts Commission of Inquiry
Freedom of Association special procedures regardless of ratification Governments GB Conference Workers’/employers’ organizations GB Committee on FA Fact-Finding and Conciliation Commission If Conventions ratified, returns to Committee of Experts after complaint examined - if not, followed up by CFA
Complementarity of procedures Same question cannot be dealt with at the same time by different procedures -Committee of Experts suspends consideration of points covered by art. 24 representation or art. 26 complaint, or in CFA complaint - - Problem came up once in 1995: Russia C 95 – problem now corrected - Supervision suspended during direct contacts
Progressive supervision Examination by Committee of Experts Examination by Committee of Experts - direct requests remain in CE - observations published, submitted to: Conference Committee Conference Committee - may decide to discuss individual cases Representation or complaint Representation or complaint - then back to Experts Article 33 to follow up complaints Article 33 to follow up complaints
Assistance to complement supervision All comments by supervisory bodies backed up by offer of help: informal advice from NORMES formal interpretations Direct contacts MDT specialists in regions legislative assistance seminars or whatever help is useful