Contribute to effective teamwork (1GEN4) Unit 104 Contribute to effective teamwork (1GEN4)
Key words shown in bold italic Remember Write the answers in your own words Key words shown in bold italic
INTRODUCTION The essence of an effective team is a good working relationship which is reflective in an operation and job satisfaction which in turn are reflected in the team’s attitude and approach towards customers.
A good team member will: share information and learn from others share the workload work in an efficient and organised manner be willing to share special skills and experience achieve success and job satisfaction be supportive, offer encouragement and give confidence to others
DEVELOPING WORKING RELATIONSHIPS Team members share a goal and should work together to achieve success. A team will only be successful if all team members are totally committed and play their part. The golden rule to a successful harmonious team is to ‘behave to others as you would like them to behave towards you
On occasion team members may disagree: about someone who is not pulling their weight about working methods about standards because of personality clashes It is important that these situations are dealt with immediately. If not, they might disrupt the efficiency and the standard of the work.
If there is a problem find out: exactly what the problem is if it can be resolved by you who can mediate
If the standard of your work is questioned, i. e If the standard of your work is questioned, i.e. it is not up to the required standard, would staff development help? If the speed of the work is criticised, could the workload be too heavy? If it is your work schedule, are you happy with your job? Do you have personal problems? Unhappiness makes it very difficult to concentrate. If the problems are at home, try to leave them there. Let the enjoyment of doing a good job take over.
If possible, you should always try and discuss your problems with your supervisor. Don’t be afraid to ask. There are many employers who have trained counsellors who will be able to give you confidential, independent and professional advice.
Informal relationships of teams Failing to work as a team may be due to: a breakdown in informal relationships a clash of personalities
Could it be because a member is: shy? noisy? thoughtless? annoying? interfering? standoffish? bad tempered? generally difficult to work with?
If you are the offender, you should try to ‘play down’ your worst points and consider other’s feelings. If the behaviour of the group is not your style and you don’t personally approve of it, don’t be afraid to stick to your principles and conduct yourself according to your own standards.
Problems with the supervisor These may arise: because of a personality clash because you are not acting upon direct requests from the supervisor because you have difficulty accepting constructive criticism
TIP: If you are shy or find it difficult to mix with others, why not try and: take up offers of friendship if possible, make the first move, smile and say ‘hello’ listen to what others have to say and try to remember their interests look friendly and interested
There is a solution to every problem so problems should be dealt with immediately - don’t leave them to escalate!
MAINTAINING WORKING RELATIONSHIPS Once you have developed and established a good working relationship with peers and supervisors, you should work at maintaining it.
NEVER: let your standards slip be malicious or spiteful take people for granted.
ALWAYS: show respect for others look enthusiastic be helpful
Problems If you do have a problem talk it over with someone - don’t bottle it up. If a colleague, offer support. If they tell you personal information, never discuss it with others. In all situations deal with problems in a professional and mature manner.
It is an offence to discriminate. DISCRIMINATION Discrimination can be defined as ‘the unfavourable treatment of one person in relation to another’. It is an offence to discriminate.
Race relations Act 1976 Under the Race Relations Act it is unlawful for an employer to discriminate against any potential employee or job applicant on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origins. It also applies to employee’s conditions of employment, promotion opportunities, provision for training, transfers to other departments in the company, of in relation to benefits, facilities or services that are normally available to employee’s.
The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 The principles underlying the act are essentially similar to that of the Race Relations Act. Discrimination against individuals on the grounds or gender is unlawful in the areas of recruitment, terms of service or dismissal.
CREATING WORKING RELATIONSHIPS Everyone who works in the Hospitality and Catering industry is part of a team. You need to co-operate with others, understand their work and the pressures they are under. By working together you can give the customers better service and satisfy your employer.
PURPOSE OF EFFECTIVE WORKING RELATIONSHIPS To be able to discuss work matters and share information with others. To be supportive and be part of an efficient team by sharing the work load To co-operate and share special skills and experience. To be committed to work within agreed time-scales.
DEVELOPING WORKING RELATIONSHIPS Results in job satisfaction and creates a good atmosphere to work in Ensures standards will not suffer Encourages members of staff to support each other Prevents an adverse effect on the level of service Ensures all staff work together for the benefit of all
ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING WORKING RELATIONSHIPS Helps prevent difficulties between members of staff, which can result in disagreement and conflict Regular team meetings and discussions should take place to resolve difficulties because of problems e.g. personality clashes, bad tempers or someone not pulling their weight etc.
Problems or situations should be reported immediately and dealt with as soon as possible Confidential information should be dealt with discretely and according to establishment procedures
Health and safety Q 1. Why is it important to keep your work area clean and tidy? To maintain a safe and healthy environment Page 10 of 19
Teamwork Q 2. Draw a chart which shows the people who make up your team. Please refer to the diagram in your training pack Page 10 of 19
Page 10 of 19
Teamwork Q 3. Why is good teamwork work important? to promote a good working atmosphere happy staff provide good service Page 10 of 19
Teamwork Q 4. How is your team important to the organisation as a whole? Pleasant/happy working environment. Work tasks are completed promptly. Work tasks are completed to a high standard. To present a professional and positive image to customers. To develop and maintain good working relationships. Page 10 of 19
Teamwork Q 5. What are the responsibilities of your team? to carry out duties according to duty rota to provide a pleasant and efficient service Page 11 of 19
Teamwork Q 6. Why is it important to do your work within the time that you have been asked to, and in a way that meets the requirements? To ensure efficient customer service Page 11 of 19
Teamwork Q 7. List three ways you can keep up good relationships with other team members. i) Treat colleagues with respect. ii) Offer assistance when able to. Work in co-operation with others. Follow instructions accurately. Complete own work tasks on time. Page 11 of 19
Teamwork Q 8. Why is it important to understand instructions? To be able to complete work tasks on time and to a high standards. To maintain good working relationships. Page 11 of 19
Teamwork Q 9. Why is it important to ask questions if there are things that you do not understand? To prevent errors. Page 11 of 19
Teamwork Q 10. Who should you ask for help? Manager Supervisor Appropriate colleague. Page 12 of 19
Teamwork Q 11. Why is it important to ask for help when you need it? So you can complete the given tasks on time Page 12 of 19
Teamwork Q 12. Give two examples of information that must be passed onto a member of your team. State why this information should be passed on as soon as possible. Page 12 of 19
Information to be passed on State why this information should be passed on as soon as possible A change to a booking To maintain efficiency and high customer service ii) Additional task To complete work tasks on time.
Teamwork Q 13. Why is it important to get feedback from other team members? To understand strengths and weaknesses. To develop positive relationships with colleagues. To improve personal performance Page 12 of 19
Teamwork Q 14. How would you get feedback from the following people? Your line manager Appraisals. Other members of your team Team meetings. On-going mentoring/coaching. Page 12 of 19
Teamwork Q 15. State two ways you could make the best of your time and things that may stop you from doing this. Page 13 of 19
Ways you could make the best of your time Describe a situation that may stop you from doing this i) Plan and prioritise your time Poor timekeeping i) Work clean and tidy Not clearing as you go
Teamwork Q 16. Why is it important to help team members in their work? Build a positive relationship with colleagues To present a professional and positive image to customers Page 13 of 19
Teamwork Q 17. Give two examples of behaviour that would stop a team from working well together i) Work tasks not completed. ii) The team not working together Page 13 of 19
Teamwork Q 18. Give two examples of behaviour that would help a team to work well together Respectfulness. Politeness. Helpfulness. Friendliness. Cooperativeness. Page 13 of 19
Teamwork Q 19. Give an example of when you can help other members of your team When personal work tasks have been completed, but other staff members are still working. When requested to do so by a manager or supervisor. When extra job tasks are applicable to your skills Page 14 of 19
Teamwork Q 20. Give an example of when you cannot help other members of your team If your own work is not completed Page 14 of 19
Product knowledge Q 21. What equipment and materials do you need to do your job? P P E - Personal Protective Equipment Page 14 of 19
Product knowledge Q 22. Why should you keep your equipment and materials organised? To be able to complete work tasks on time and to a high standard. To demonstrate a positive and professional image to customers. To prevent excessive time clearing and tidying the work area. Page 14 of 19
Product knowledge Q 23. State two areas of your work where there could be a lot of waste. i) Food preparation ii) Coffee machine Page 14 of 19
Product knowledge Q 24. Why is it important to keep waste to a minimum? Increase profitability Maintain value for money and service for the customer Page 15 of 19
Product knowledge Q 25. Why is it important to improve your own knowledge and skills to help the work of the team? To improve your efficiency as a team member Page 15 of 19
Communication Q 26. Complete the table below by giving an example of when you would use each different method of communication with your team members, and how you would do so clearly. Page 15 of 19
Example of when you might use this method Describe how you should use this method effectively i) Face to face Team briefing Speak clearly Listen to what the other person is saying ii) Telephone Taking a booking Write details down and repeat back to caller iii) In writing Taking a food order Write clearly, accurately and legibly
Communication Q 27. Why is it important to communicate clearly? To prevent errors. So that the communication is understood. The information is accurate. Page 16 of 19
Unexpected situation Q 28. Why should you report any problems with working relationships to your manager? So the problem can be immediately dealt with. To resolve conflicts. To prevent escalation of problems. To maintain team morale. Page 16 of 19
Learning & Development Q 29. State two areas of your work that could be improved. i) Students own answer ii) Students own answer Page 16 of 19
Learning & Development Q 30. How could a learning plan help to deal with the areas of your work that could be improved? It would focus on individual tasks that can be attained Page 16 of 19
Learning & Development Q 31. What type of activities help you to learn best? Students own answer Page 17 of 19
Learning & Development Q 32. Why is it important to review your learning plan regularly? To identify progress and achievements against targets. To keep them up to date and appropriate. To allow for continued development. To identify area that needs specific training. Page 17 of 19