THE PRESS See the difference?
Name of the paper Daily Mail Date of publication Saturday, June 27, 2009 Topic(s) dealt with – Death a super star: Michael Jackson – What accounts for his death? Was his doctor responsible for his death? – The memoirs of the Queen mum’s favourite spy Layout – Tiny article squeezed at the bottom of the page – 3 photos, a close-up of Jackson – Headlines in bold capital letters that make up most of the page, yellow, red and black to catch the reader’s attention Adjectives to qualify the headline Sensational, based on rumours, arouses our curiosity Aspect(s) focused on Doctor’s role Target audience Middle-class, middle income, conservative, particularly women Conclusion ‘Quality press’, with stress on sensational news, scoops = middle-class paper: family values spiced with celebrity scoops
A middle-market newspaper attempts to satisfy readers who want some entertainment from their newspaper as well as the coverage of important news events.some entertainment from their newspaper
Name of the paper International Herald Tribune Date of publication Saturday-Sunday, June 27-28, 2009 Topic(s) dealt with – Life of an icon – News on other countries (Russia, Iran) Layout – Half of the page is devoted to the star – A large photo of the star at a concert, a smaller one of Michael Jackson when he was young – Headline as big as the other news – One event out of many: foreign policy (Russia, Iran) – Golden and shiny colours for Michael Jackson on stage: a glamorous icon giving a concert Adjectives to qualify the headline Concise, short, sober, a summary of the man and his life Aspect(s) focused on A more psychological portrait of the star Target audience Upscale readers Conclusion Quality press
Quality press is a category of newspapers in national circulation in the United Kingdom distinguished by their seriousness. The category used to be called "broadsheet" newspapersUnited Kingdombroadsheet It is also called an up-market newspaper
Name of the paper The Independent Date of publication Saturday, June 27, 2009 Topic(s) dealt with The mysterious death of a star Layout – No article – A huge photo of an imposing policeman in front of a black gate, at the entrance of Michael Jackson’s huge property, a small close-up of the star who looks worried, palid and under stress – Huge bold (capital) letters – Three subheadings to catch our attention and arouse our curiosity Adjectives to qualify the headline Sensational, intriguing Aspect(s) focused on Focuses on a scandal Target audience Upscale readers, conservative, particularly women Conclusion Usually a quality paper, but the treatment of the information here is very sensational and reminds us of a tabloid.
Originally a broadsheet newspaper, the newspaper has been published in a tabloid or "compact" format since 2003.broadsheettabloidcompact Seen as part of ‘quality newspapers’
Definition of a tabloid: Tabloids are newspapers that are half the size of traditional papers. Articles are usually short and written in simple language with short sentences. A lot of photographs are included. They specialize in scandals, sensational events, road accidents and the world of crime. The gutter press is often opposed to the quality press.