Establish Verification Procedures (Task 11 / Principle 6) Module 4.11 Establish Verification Procedures (Task 11 / Principle 6)
Objectives and contents To enable trainees to validate that the HACCP plan is adequate and verify that it is operating correctly Contents What are ‘validation’ and ‘verification’? What is the scope of verification activities? Documenting and recording verification activities Module 4.11 – Establish Verification Procedures (Task 11 / Principle 6)
What is verification? Verification Validation The application of methods, procedures, tests and other evaluations, in addition to monitoring, to determine compliance with the HACCP plan Validation Obtaining evidence that the elements of a HACCP plan are effective Verification procedures should be developed for each CCP and for the overall plan Module 4.11 – Establish Verification Procedures (Task 11 / Principle 6)
Verifying a HACCP plan Verification should be undertaken by an appropriately qualified individual(s) Verification should be undertaken At the end of a HACCP study When there is a change in ingredient, process, etc. When there is a newly identified hazard At regular predetermined intervals Module 4.11 – Establish Verification Procedures (Task 11 / Principle 6)
Importance of verification Confirm that HACCP plan is correct in theory and practice Allows producer to challenge control measures Part of continuous HACCP plan development that could include removal of unnecessary measures or introduction of new measures Module 4.11 – Establish Verification Procedures (Task 11 / Principle 6)
Scope of verification activities Verification activities cover HACCP plan validation Ensures that plan controls hazards if well applied HACCP system audits Ensure that the plan is being applied as intended Equipment calibration Assures accuracy of equipment and instruments used Targeted sampling and analysis Confirms that product meets required specifications Module 4.11 – Establish Verification Procedures (Task 11 / Principle 6)
HACCP plan validation Validation assesses whether a HACCP plan identifies and controls all significant food safety hazards. This includes Review of the hazard analysis CCP determination Validity of critical limits Elements of HACCP adequate and appropriate Review of deviation reports, audits reports, past validation reports Review of new scientific information Module 4.11 – Establish Verification Procedures (Task 11 / Principle 6)
HACCP audit HACCP system audits are performed to compare the actual practices and procedures of the HACCP system with those written into the HACCP plan On-site observation aims to ensure: Product description and flow chart are accurate Monitoring is performed as required Records are filled out accurately If deviations have occurred, these have been dealt with appropriately Module 4.11 – Establish Verification Procedures (Task 11 / Principle 6)
Equipment calibration Calibration involves checking the instrument against a standard under realistic conditions Calibration of CCP monitoring equipment is essential If this equipment is not performing according to the established standard, the CCP is considered to have been out of control since the last documented calibration Instrument stability and calibration frequency must correspond Module 4.11 – Establish Verification Procedures (Task 11 / Principle 6)
Equipment calibration Application to coffee Moisture meters should be calibrated against ISO standard oven drying method Aw referenced against moisture content Module 4.11 – Establish Verification Procedures (Task 11 / Principle 6)
Sampling and analysis Targeted or periodic (scheduled) product sampling can provide evidence that HACCP measures in place are effective Targeted sampling of incoming materials may be used to verify compliance with specifications Sampling plan must be tailored to the immediate objectives of the validation Module 4.11 – Establish Verification Procedures (Task 11 / Principle 6)
Sampling and analysis Microbiological testing can have a role in HACCP verification Rarely useful in monitoring due to lengthy analytical procedures Limitations of microbiological testing must be noted Non-homogeneous distribution Low sensitivity in comparison to infective dose The vast potential of microbes to multiply Module 4.11 – Establish Verification Procedures (Task 11 / Principle 6)
Documenting HACCP verification Verification procedures for the overall HACCP plan should be documented in a file for the HACCP plan Records of verification should be maintained, including Methods deployed Who conducted them and when it was carried out Findings and resulting actions undertaken Module 4.11 – Establish Verification Procedures (Task 11 / Principle 6)
Regulatory verification Verification should be a routine part of regularly scheduled government inspections: To ensure adequate consumer protection Support to food industry Assistance to industry in trade opportunities where certification is required The review should cover all production control, scientific and administrative aspects of HACCP plan and its implementation Module 4.11 – Establish Verification Procedures (Task 11 / Principle 6)
Next module: Establish documentation and record keeping Summary Deviation and corrective action procedures Documenting corrective actions in a HACCP plan Deviation records Next module: Establish documentation and record keeping Module 4.11 – Establish Verification Procedures (Task 11 / Principle 6)