Trends, People and Ideas
After World War II Many housing shortages when the GI’s returned home GI Bill of Rights United States changed from war-time to peace-time economy The Cold War increased defense spending and unemployment rates were very low
How were housing shortages dealt with? Many started moving to the suburbs in the late 1940’s and the early 1950’s Suburbia is considered to be inexpensive homes in small residential communities near the cities; many veterans and their families moved in Levittown-New York City (Long Island)
Harry S. Truman U.S. president from 1945-1952; Democrat Truman supported civil rights for African-Americans 1947; Jackie Robinson broke color barrier in baseball 1948-Military de-segregated Fair Deal: Truman’s plan for economic/social reforms Dixiecrats: Southern democrats against civil rights for Blacks
Dwight D. Eisenhower Former military general “Ike” Dealt with civil rights issues Against government involvement in school de-segregation 1953-1961; Republican
Trends, People and Ideas of the 1950’s
Decade of Conformity Many people wanted to be the same Many wanted to imitate the life portrayed on television Consumerism was also big (shopping malls) Businessmen became very common Many had good-paying jobs and prosperity
Growth of Automobile Industry Gas was not rationed; many used the automobiles more than ever The Interstate Highway System was constructed due to high volume of traffic and a way to evacuate quickly in case of nuclear attack Highways connected the suburbs to the inner cities; many shopping malls sprung up in the suburbs
Baby Boom 1946-1964 The highest birthrate in U.S. history Many children born due to reuniting of families after WW II, medical advances (polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk), and people could afford to have many children; “American Dream” See “Baby Boom” video
Role of the Mother Many women became stay at home mothers in the 1950’s Television glorified the role of the mother “Leave it To Beaver” “Ozzie and Harriet”
1950’s Income By mid 1950’s, nearly 60 percent of all Americans were middle-class Many people were able to buy new products with credit Advertising was very important in the 50’s
Pop Culture of the 1950’s The 1950’s was the “Golden Age of Television” By 1960, 90 percent of all American families owned a television Many complained because there was too much violence on television
Television shows of the 50’s Situation comedies were very popular The focus was on white, suburban America Roles were often stereotypes African-Americans were rarely shown See Clip of “Leave it to Beaver”
Popular Television Shows “Leave it to Beaver” “I Love Lucy” “Gunsmoke” “The Honeymooners” “Ozzie and Harriet” “American Bandstand” “The Ed Sullivan Show”
American Bandstand
“I Love Lucy” -see clip
Drive-In Theatres Were Very Popular in the 1950’s
Pop Culture Continued The movie industry suffered because of widespread use of television Beat Writers: criticized conformity and materialism of mainstream culture
The Birth of “Rock and Roll” 1954 Elvis Presley was the biggest star Some thought that rock-n-roll was a sign of rebellion
See clip-Elvis on Ed Sullivan Show
Minorities in the 1950’s Some did not have a prosperous lifestyle Fewer jobs in the city; many left to live in poverty African-American, Native-Americans and Mexican-Americans faced much discrimination