Chapter 16.1 Revolution & Change in England Bell work: How is religion tied to politics? Reading Activity: 10 Reading notes for the section. Daily Quiz Class notes Definitions Review Q’s
Tudors & Stuarts & the issue of Religion Monarch How He/She Dealt with Religious Issues Henry VIII Established Anglican Church after breaking with the Catholic pope Mary I Wanted to restore Catholicism to England; was called “Bloody Mary” when she had Protestant dissenters burned at the state. Elizabeth I Strengthened Protestantism by making those who did not attend the Anglican Church pay fines Mary Queen of Scots Plotted to kill Elizabeth I and rule England as a Catholic nation; was caught and beheaded. Philip II Husband of Mary I who invaded England in an effort to force a Catholic ruler on the English people. James I Supported the Anglican Church & had little tolerance for Puritan’s demands for reform; authorized the king James Version of the Bible Charles I Married a French Catholic princess, which alienated him from the people; advocated formal Catholic-like practices in the Anglican Church, prompting Puritan opposition & Scottish rebellion.
Define: revolution gentry burgesses covenant English Channel Ch. 16.1 Tudors & Stewarts Define: revolution gentry burgesses covenant English Channel Describe how each of the following dealt with conflicts with Parliament during their reigns as the Monarch of England: Elizabeth I- James I- Charles I- How did religious differences influence English politics during the reigns of James I & Charles I? How did financial issues eventually become the breaking point for the struggle between Parliament and the Stuart King?
16.1 ¼ sheet 1. The defeat of the Armada in 1588 began the decline of the sea power of (a) England. (b) Spain. (c) the Netherlands. (d) France.
16.1 Highly moral people who became increasingly unhappy over the practices of the Anglican Church and the quality of the clergy were called (a) Whigs. (b) Tories. (c) Puritans. (d) Presbyterians.
16.1 The Presbyterian Church was established by the (a) English. (b) Irish. (c) Scots. (d) Dutch. c
16.1 The Puritans became increasingly unhappy about the (a) practices of the Anglican Church. (b) lack of formalities and rituals in the church. (c) increase in taxes proposed by Charles I. (d) growth of Protestantism in England.