27July05_SQO TOPICS FOR TODAY Issues raised at last SSC meeting Approach to validating the MLOE framework A new issue associated with missing data Expansion of the MLOE framework to indirect effects
27July05_SQO BASICS OF THE MLOE FRAMEWORK Three lines of evidence –Represent a continuum from exposure to effect Four categories for each LOE MLOE merged into a station assessment Integration accomplished through classifying all possible combinations –4x4x4 tables –Reference –Marginal deviation from reference –Moderate effect –Severe effect –Unimpacted –Likely unimpacted –Inconclusive –Possibly impacted –Likely impacted –Clearly impacted
27July05_SQO CHEMISTRY: Moderate Effect ReferenceMinor deviation Moderate effect Severe effect Reference Likely Unimpacted Possibly Impacted Likely Impacted Minor Deviation Possibly Impacted Likely Impacted Moderate Effect Likely Impacted Clearly Impacted Severe Effect Likely Impacted Clearly Impacted BenthosBenthos Toxicity
27July05_SQO ISSUES RAISED AT LAST SSC MEETING Should LOE be weighted equally? –Chemistry is the stressor being regulated –Benthos are the endpoint of interest –Toxicity tests are the easiest to interpret Ensure that there is a place for ancillary data in the assessment framework Can you separate classification and uncertainty?
27July05_SQO STATION ASSESSMENT CATEGORIES Unimpacted Likely unimpacted Inconclusive Possibly impacted Likely impacted Clearly impacted
27July05_SQO SEPARATING CLASSIFICATION AND UNCERTAINTY Three types of uncertainty –Data quality for a particular data set –Confidence in particular indicators / thresholds –Level of agreement among individual LOE Our feeling: Best dealt with as a narrative aspect of the implementation guidance
27July05_SQO CHEMISTRY: Minor Deviation ReferenceMinor deviation Moderate effect Severe effect Reference Unimpacted Likely Unimpacted Possibly Impacted Minor Deviation Likely Unimpacted Possibly Impacted Likely Impacted Moderate Effect Possibly Impacted Likely Impacted Severe Effect Possibly Impacted Likely Impacted BenthosBenthos Toxicity
27July05_SQO SEPARATING CLASSIFICATION AND UNCERTAINTY Three types of uncertainty –Data quality for a particular data set –Confidence in particular indicators / thresholds –Level of agreement among individual LOE Our feeling: Best dealt with as a narrative aspect of the implementation guidance
27July05_SQO TOPICS FOR TODAY Issues raised at last SSC meeting Approach to validating the MLOE framework A new issue associated with missing data Expansion of the MLOE framework to indirect effects
27July05_SQO VALIDATION Repeatability –Are replicate samples at a site classified the same? Consistency in distribution among individual LOE SQO application in water bodies of “known” condition
27July05_SQO KNOWN CONDITION Use Bay Protection and Cleanup Program assessment to identify compromised water bodies –That program had targeted data collection to identify hot spots Use chemistry and toxicity to identify cleanest waterbodies –Use data from sites where only part of the triad is available –Screen these waterbodies further based on land use –Confirm the list using Stakeholder Advisory Committee feedback
27July05_SQO TOPICS FOR TODAY Issues raised at last SSC meeting Approach to validating the MLOE framework A new issue associated with missing data Expansion of the MLOE framework to indirect effects
27July05_SQO NEW ISSUE How should the MLOE framework be applied in habitats where we have not yet developed interpretational tools? –Differs from situation where data were not previously collected, but could be collected When tools are available for two LOE, apply the modified assessment framework that was developed for the unavailable data situation When tools are for only available for one LOE, use that LOE in a screening mode –Apply BPJ to other LOE when screening indicates the necessity –BPJ may require additional data collection to establish site-specific reference condition
27July05_SQO TOPICS FOR TODAY Issues raised at last SSC meeting Approach to validating the MLOE framework A new issue associated with missing data Expansion of the MLOE framework to indirect effects