The Elephant (105:1-5) Revealed in Makkah
This Surah tells the story of Abraha and his army who invaded Arabia to destroy Ka’bah in Makkah. Their army was led by elephants; the Quran calls them “the people of the Elephants.” The Arabs had never seen an elephant before, and were very afraid of these huge animals This Surah tells how Allah( swt) destroyed Abraha’s army and saved the Ka’bah, by stopping the elephants and sending His own army of small birds to destroy His enemies When this Surah was revealed, there lived many Makkans who remembered this incident, and told it again and again Introduction
أَلَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ فَعَلَ رَ بُّكَ بِأَصْحَابِ الْفِيلِ Alam tara kayfa fa’AAala rabbuka bi-as-haabi al feel Have you not seen, [O Muhammad], how your Lord dealt with the companions of the elephant? Ayah 1:
Could have several meanings: o Allah (swt) is reminding everyone who witnessed the event when they were children o Have you not heard, have you not realized how Allah(swt) dealt with the people? o Are you not Amazed at how Allah(swt) dealt with the people of the elephant? If you look at the size of the army – it is bigger than the amount of people living in Makkah. When a army with Elephants loses to a people – without any fighting – this shows Allah has plans of keeping this city secure through ways which He wills. If Allah (swt) wills something it will happen, and he doesn’t need the help of anyone. An army of Elephant that could easily flatten the city is defeated by Allah (swt) This theme is continuous, Allah (swt) will bring justice and deal with all future oppressors who try to overpower others Ayah 1: Explanation
Alam tarra: Prophet (pbuh) didn’t literally see the event happened because he was born in the same year, 50 days after the event but he has heard about it over and over again Allah (swt) is not only speaking to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) but also to those who listen to the verse when it is recited including the Quraish o Telling them that Allah (swt) is on Prophet( pbuh)’s side Ayah 1: Explanation (cont.)
To the disbelievers: It warns them that they should remember Allah's favour upon them, and be grateful to Him for that. And that if they do not - they will become His enemies - and He can destroy them like He destroyed Abraha's army. To the Messenger: Allah is giving reminder to His Messenger that He is on his side; Your Master will give you help through whatever means it takes. The same way your Master protected the Ka'bah when it had no other human to defend it. Ayah 1: Explanation (cont.)
أَلَمْ يَجْعَلْ كَيْدَهُمْ فِي تَضْلِيلٍ Alam yajAAal kaydahum fee tadleel Did He not make their decieving plotting go into great waste? Ayah 2:
The plan of Abraha was to invade Makkah and destroy the Kabah. Allah (swt) destroyed their plan. The Elephant refused to move towards the Kaaba, he would turn away and run to the opposite direction Confirms the hadith: There is no obedience to a created being if it involves disobedience of the Creator” (reported by Ahmad, 1041; a saheeh hadeeth) Ayah 2: Explanation
وَأَرْ سَلَ عَلَيْهِمْ طَيْرً ا أَبَابِيلَ Waarsala AAalayhim tayran abaabeel And He sent upon them birds in flocks, Ayah 3
Allah (swt) chose small birds to destroy the big army Each bird carried 3 stones, two in its feet claws, and one in its beak. Then the stone that would land – would land on a person and hit their head and come out from the other side. huge awesome flocks of many different kinds of birds / species. They were coming from every part of the sky – so it was very dark in the sky. Ayah 3 Explanation
تَرْ مِيهِم بِحِجَارَ ةٍ مِّن سِجِّيلٍ tarmeehim bi hijaaratin min sijjeel Striking them with stones of hard clay, Ayah 4
Kept coming down like continuous rain (droplets) imagine those big rain drops hitting really hard So the birds threw from a height. And this hurts because of the force of gravity. Thrown with a specific target. – so it is like Allah is targeting each criminal with guided missiles. Amazing: these small, light weighted birds destroyed the powerful Elephant Army- For Allah (swt), anything is possible Ayah 4: Explanation
فَجَعَلَهُمْ كَعَصْفٍ مَّأْكُولٍ FajaAAalahum kaAAasfin ma/kool So [He] made them like an empty field of stalks eaten up. Ayah 5
Like dead, empty cornstalks Eaten up by the enemy: defenseless just like an animal that is about to be preyed and eaten and just like the grass that is about to be chewed up and spit out Allah scattered soldiers everywhere and many fell down, bruised and broken, like straw or grass chewed by animals. Those who could return home died of various diseases. It was the total destruction of Abraha’s army. Ayah 5: Explanation
The Arabs all recognised the Holiness of the Ka'bah, so the Ka'bah and its guardians - the Quraysh gained more respect due to this event. This was a proof that it was a holy sanctuary which Allah had, and would protect. The enemies of Islam may have great power and large numbers, but they cannot succeed- eventually they will be brought to justice Allah (swt) can defeat big powers by a very small force Alah (swt) has power to destroy the enemies completely Lessons