History Labs: Analysis of Primary Sources Social Sciences Best Practices: Rigorous Social Science Instruction to Support Mastery of the Florida Literacy Standards and Complex Social Science Content Benchmarks February 17, 2015
History Labs: Analysis of Primary Sources Guiding Questions What does rigorous effective Social Sciences instruction look like? How can effective Social Science instruction support mastery of complex Florida Literacy Standards while mastering complex content benchmarks? What are History/Social Science Labs and how do they provide a valid best practice framework for effective Social Science instruction?
History Labs: Analysis of Primary Sources History/Social Science Labs Format of a History/Social Science Lab: – What is a History Lab? (show video) – Developing Overarching Questions – Building Background Knowledge – Conducting Work – Presenting and Supporting Interpretations – Assessing Student Learning Source:
History Labs: Analysis of Primary Sources Question: Could Kennedy have taken an alternative course of action in regards to the Bay of Pigs incident? Standards addressed Florida Standards: LAFS.68.RH Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions LAFS.68.RH Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially, comparatively, causally). NGSSS-SS Content Standards 7 th grade Civics: SS.7.C.4.1: Differentiate concepts related to United States domestic and foreign policy. SS.7.C.4.3: Describe examples of how the United States has dealt with international conflicts. -UNWRAP THE BENCHMARKS:
History Labs: Analysis of Primary Sources Lab sample- Could Kennedy have taken an alternative course of action in regards to the Bay of Pigs incident? Analysis activity- remember your number. Read your document and background information associated with your number. Answer the following with your group: What is the main message of your document? How does the background information assist you in understanding the question? How do both, the document and background information assist you in answering the lab essential question? How does the class conversation assist you in understanding the essential content and increasing literacy skills?
History Labs: Analysis of Primary Sources Resources: Supporting Florida Standards All of todays presentations and documents can be found on the Social Sciences web sites under documents: Meeting/Workshop documents for February 17:
History Labs: Analysis of Primary Sources Resources: Supporting Florida Standards To Invade or Not Invade? -Resources for history Lab: resources-for-this-lessons-came-from-the-university-of-maryland-http- www-umbc-edu-che-historylabs-_-history-labs Additional Resources for Topic 13 Globalization
History Labs: Analysis of Primary Sources Questions We welcome your suggestions, comments, concerns, questions, And PRAISE! Your one stop shop for Social Sciences: