Important Psychologists Chapter 1
Mary Whiton Calkins Known for two things: 1. Becoming the first female president of the American Psychological Association 2. She was denied her doctorate from Harvard She was a professor of psychology and philosophy at Wellesley College Developed “self-psychology”- this dealt with consciousness, emotion, association, color theory and dreams
Charles Darwin Wrote On the Origin of Species Studied Evolutionary Psychology Theory of natural selection
Dorothea Dix Devoted her life to caring for the mentally ill Lobbied for 40 years in U.S and Canada to establish state hospitals for the mentally ill Because of Dix, there are 32 institutions in the United States
Sigmund Freud His contributions in the 20 th century are seen as the most influential and impacted psychology, art, literature, and the way people bring up their children Founding father of psychoanalysis- method of treating mental illnesses Believed the subconscious had three levels: id, ego, and superego Id-Instinct Ego- Reality Superego- Morality Psychosexual Stages Dream Analysis
G. Stanley Hall First President of the American Psychological Association in 1892 Founded the first American psychology laboratory at John Hopkins University First American to earn a Ph.D in Psychology
William James Pragmatism- truth of an idea can never be proven Functionalism- focus on the whole event- overall impact of the environment on behavior Often called the father of American Psychology James-Lange Theory of Emotion- events trigger a physiological reaction
Ivan Pavlov Classical conditioning Pavlov’s Dogs
Jean Piaget Stages of mental development: Sensory-Motor Stage Preoperational Stage Concrete Operational Stage Formal Operational Stage
Carl Rogers Father of client-centered therapy Believed the individual came for help Counselors should encourage free expression Humanistic psychologist Theory of personality development
B. F. Skinner Developed the theory of behaviorism Skinner Box
Margaret Floy Washburn First woman to earn a doctoral degree in American psychology Second woman to serve as APA President Studied animal behavior
Edward Titchener Psychology of structuralism- all thoughts can be broken down to basic elements, specifically, sensations
Max Wertheimer One of the founders of Gestalt psychology- attempts to examine psychological phenomena as structural wholes rather than breaking them down into components
John Locke Tabula Rasa- the mind is a blank slate written on by experience. Environmentalist
John Watson Founded Behaviorism Proposed classical conditioning was able to explain all aspects of human psychology Denied the existence of the mind or consciousness
Wilhelm Wundt Father of psychology Established the first psychology lab Influenced Introspection